Chapter 8: Kai - Hanbin Duo

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Lisa POV

I rubbed my face on her chest, listening to her heartbeat as I shut my eyes.

It hurts... I didn't even bump into him. I was just walking towards Kim Industries after parking my car when someone pushed me hard from the side. The next moment, I was on the floor with a stinging sensation on my head.

That guy started scolding me for bumping into him and the next moment, he ordered his driver to talk to me about compensation at the alleyway. I was ready to sign him a check but the next moment, he gave me a hard blow on the stomach followed by several kicks.

When I regained myself, I hugged my teddy bear and headed into Kim's industry. I didn't expect him to pop up at Jennie's office...

"Lisa... " She whispered.

I looked up to see her staring so close to me.

Something about her just makes me feel safe.

"Yes?" I replied and she smiled before kissing my head.

"It's time for medicine..." She whispered and I shook my head.

"N-no... I don't want it." I whined.

"Please? It's liquid. Not the pill." She said and I leaned closer to her chest again.

"I don't want... to... live anymore..." I mumbled on her chest.

"Lisa... Please, don't say that." She whispered.

I shook my head and shut my eyes to sleep.


I found myself in Jennie's embrace when I woke up. Her soft snores. She's so pretty.

I cupped her cheeks and gave her a kiss.

"I love you, Jennie... Hehe! Same chubby cheeks." I whispered as I squeezed her cheeks, resulting in her to hum.

I gently removed her arms around my waist before leaving the bed with my teddy bear.

"Lisa." I heard Mr Kim's voice so I smiled and sat at the couch area.

"Hello, Mr Kim." I greeted.

"I heard that Jennie rejected your proposal and then... It's been months since you both stayed together. Is there anything new between you two?" Mr Kim asked and I shook my head.

"Anya... she just accepts me as friends..." I smiled bitterly.

"That can't be? I mean you both kissed. Kissing on the mouth is not a friend's thing." He said and I widened my eyes.

"I-it's not?" I asked and he shook his head before typing something on his phone.

He showed me some google definitions and some images which shocked me.

Oh my... I've been kissing her in the mouth to tell her I love her. I didn't know it was meant for lovers.

Wait... she returned me the kisses... and... and... Kai's too...

I glanced at Jennie who is sleeping soundly.

"I see... She kissed me because I'm just... a kid. I didn't know..." I sighed.

"Ah... I thought you did. But anyways, here." Mr Kim grabbed the magazine and flipped it before showing me an article of me and Jennie.

The article states that Jennie's focus is no longer on her company but on the special needs CEO, Lisa Manoban.

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