Chapter 22: Never again

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Jennie POV

I brushed my hair to the back as I looked at my car's clock just beside the music player.

It's already 8pm and I couldn't get through Lisa. I should have just asked what she wanted instead of telling her I'm busy. Oh God! I hope nothing bad happens to her again.

The last I heard was a call from her and it was cut off.

I don't know where she was calling because there wasn't an ID. When I tried again, the number was unavailable.

And... she sounded scared.

Here I am, driving towards where Lisa's phone is using the Find My app.

Thankfully I did link hers with mine.

Why is she not picking up if her phone is still on and running? Something must've happened.

I brought her bodyguards to escort me.

I'm still fuming when the bodyguards said she doesn't know where Lisa is. Shouldn't they be responsible?


The GPS stopped in front of an apartment.

Of course, it didn't show which level I should go but it does indicate that Lisa's phone is nearer to this side of the building.

I left my car and headed into the lobby with the escorts.

"I want all of you to check every level and look for Lisa. She should be close. The phone is detected on that side of the building. Go now." I said as I ran to check the floors.

They went separately in pairs while 2 of them followed me.

We knocked on every floor of that side of the apartment building.

On the 7th level, I encountered one of my workers who looked at me in fear.

"M-miss Kim! B-boss! Uhh... H-how can I help you?" He asked.

"I'm looking for Lisa... Have you seen-" He quickly shook his head in response when I hadn't even completed my sentence.

"Nope! Never seen her. Actually I'm kinda sleepy so I'm gonna rest now. See you at work tomorrow!" He said as he was about to close the door but I gestured to the bodyguard to blast the door open.

I quickly looked through his belongs and there I found Lisa's phone with missed calls history from me.

"Where is she?" I asked him as I tilt her phone to check.

I turned around frowning when he didn't respond.

Lisa's bodyguard held him tightly.

"Uhhh... s-she uhmm..." He stuttered.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE, DEREK?!" I shouted and he looked down.

"S-she's fine... yknow, she is-" I pulled his collar.

"Where is she... Just answer me." I said and he gulped.

"W-we kinda locked her in your office...?" He said nervously.


"Tell the others to head to my office." I said to the head bodyguard before running out of the apartment.

I drove at a crazy speed, horning onto stupid slow ass drivers as I made my way to the office.

"W-why isn't the lift working?" I whispered to myself when I pressed the button but there was no light nor was there any led lights displayed on the level indication.

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