Chapter 24: This Time

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Rose POV

It's been 1 month since Jenlisa's wedding and 1 month since ours. Yes, we ended up marrying in the Bahamas. An intimate one with just Jisoo's family and then, we made another reception when we got back for Jenlisa and Jisoo's partners to attend.

Of course, I didn't invite Appa.

I know it's a huge mistake to just keep it quiet but what can I do? Whenever he sees me, he will have the urge to just take me back.

"Honey? You okay?" Jisoo hugged my back.

We moved to the penthouse eventually. The one her parents anonymously bought for her on her birthday.

It's slightly further from Jenlisa's penthouse but closer to Jisoo's office.

I turned around and gave her a quick peck.

"Hmmm... babe, I've been thinking..." I said softly and Jisoo nodded, waiting for me to continue patiently.

"Can I... work in my freetime?" I asked and she scratched her head.

"Uhmm... I... I don't know. I would worry if-" I cupped her cheeks which made her stop talking.

"There's a cafe beside your office building... I was thinking, if I could work there?" I asked again and she smiled.

"If you're that close to me then I'm okay with that. When do you want to start?" She asked as she hugged and sniffed my hair.

"Next week... and... I want to study at Seoul University... get my masters." I said and she gulped.

"School? L-like... a place where there are a lot of possible bachelors?" She asked worriedly and I giggled.

"Is Mrs Kim-Park worried?" I asked and she pouted.

"Of course I'm n-not... J-just checking? I will follow you to the enrollment, okay? Just tell me when." She said and I nodded.


"Hmmm..." Jisoo hummed as she looked around the school.

"Babe... What's with the bodyguards?" I whispered and she shrugged.

"You know how protective my parents are." She said and I giggled.

"You sure it's not assigned by you?" I asked.

"OH LOOK! They have free cotton candies! Okay let's go!" Jisoo pulled me to the stand where she ordered 2.

I was waiting for the cotton candy when I saw the booth just beside it that is promoting their curriculum.

It's music.

"Interested in music? Here, sign up with us and we can have an audition today in 15 minutes time at the school hall! You got talent?" A guy approached me and I smiled.

Jisoo passed me the cotton candy so I obliged.

"Go for it, love. You're amazing." Jisoo kissed my cheek before gluttony eating her cotton candy.

"I would love to try." I replied and the guy gave me a form to sign up.

They brought me backstage where they had rows of musical instruments. Of course, I chose a classical guitar which I'm very familiar with.

I sat down on the chair and they plugged the speaker to my guitar.

The red thick curtain opened gracefully, revealing the crowd.

I didn't expect this much of an audience but there was only one audience that made me smile to myself.

Kim-Park Jisoo.

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