Chapter 25: Freedom

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Jisoo POV

I woke up with Rose in my embrace.

I smiled before kissing her head.

My wifey!

She knows my plan now.

I think we need to talk.

"Hmmm..." She rubbed her eyes when I moved slightly.

"H-hi..." I smiled and she widened her eyes before checking my body temperature.

She sighed in relief when my fever was out.

"Babe... We need to talk." She said and I nodded.

Of course we don't need any explanation.

We both took a quick shower and ordered delivery.

Got us some Chinese and Thai food before sitting at the dining table and eating.

It was silent at first until Rose asked me something which made me gulp nervously.

"Patrick told me something too... Did Appa's man go to your office? With a gun?" She asked and I looked down, nodding.

"Yes... I knew I had to do something about it. What else when we plan to adopt a child. I want our child to be safe. Not live with fear. The prison should be done by the end of the year. Until then, I think you should continue working with your Appa to avoid any suspicion. We need to move him to that island without him knowing our plan and make sure he has no connections or tracking device." I said and she smiled.

"I'm really sorry I kept things from you, love." She apologised and I nodded.

"I'm sorry too. I just didn't want you to worry." I said and she stood up before sitting on my lap and hugged me tightly.


Today, we headed to the orphanage again.

The process of adopting a child is pretty hectic but doing it with Rose, the love of my life, everything seems so exciting!

Rose headed in first while I parked the car as the carpark is further away from the building itself.

When I got to the orphanage, I saw Rose looking at the see through glass where the kids are having their activities. Her expression is worrying me so I rubbed her back.

"Honey? What's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head.

"T-they... They took Miko away." She started to tear up.


"What do you mean? That can't be! We are in the evaluation process." I replied and she nodded.

"His parents... wanted him back." Rose cried as she turned and hugged me tightly.

I looked to my side to see the head of the orphanage nodding in disappointment.

You see, Miko was not an orphan.

He was placed here because his parents kept going in and out of prison.

The children welfare team decided to put him at the orphanage as it would have been simpler to manage him as a team of kids.

Miko was Rose's choice the first time she laid her eyes on him.

She saw him sitting at the corner simply just observing around the room of kids running around.

Miko had wavy black hair, beautiful eyes and a cute smile.

The day we came to check out the kids, Miko was the one who accidentally ran into Rose's leg. That was how the spark of interest started.

Me? As long as she is happy, I'm happy.

But right now, I feel useless all over again.

Is there really nothing I can do about this?

"Do you know where Miko is now?" I asked the head of the orphanage and she sighed before gesturing to us to enter her office.

"C'mon, love." I kissed Rose's head before intertwining our hands.

We headed to the office.

"Unfortunately we could not disclose such information to you." The head doctor explained and I sighed.

Of course, another dead end.

It took 40 minutes for Rose to calm down and get in the car.

To cheer her up, I brought her to the nearby street food.

It's just a couple blocks away and the place is pretty infamous for drug addicts.

I kept Rose close to me as we walked towards the street food stand.

I definitely don't plan to eat here. Some thugs were staring at my car ever since I came. Of course I could buy another car if this one gets stolen but that's not the point! This car was my first hard earned money when I ran away from home!

I smiled as I stared at Rose eating the food straight away after the streetfood lady packed for her the orders.

My smile turned to worry when my attention turned to a kid about 3 years old trying to cross the road all alone.

He looks familiar... That jacket, I remember it well.

"Miko?" I whispered as I looked at the traffic before running across to get him.

I squatted down to his height and his eyes widened.

"An... anyeong... hase... yooo~" He bowed politely with his own cute voice.

"Yah, Miko... Why are you alone? Trying to cross the road by yourself? Do you know how dangerous it is? People won't be able to see you this small." I said worriedly as I held his shoulder and he pursed his lips, ready to cry.

"Sowwy... Miko hungwy." He patted his tummy so I carried him and crossed the road to where Rose is.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Rose asked as she took Miko away from me in a second, kissing his head.

"Miko hungwy... Eomma, Appa sleep." He pointed to a building near to where he was about to cross the road.

"They slept and left you out here alone? Aish..." I scratched my head.

Rose looked at me and pouted.

I know that look.

"Can we... keep him?" She asked and I shrugged.

"We need to ask the orphanage...? I think?" I said and she nodded quickly before making her way towards my car.

She sat with Miko behind and waited for me to enter the driver seat.

I giggled when she hurried to go back to the orphanage, hoping we can still adopt him.

She literally carried Miko from the car all the way to the office and explained what happened.

Even though Miko has a high chance of returning to the orphanage, it doesn't mean that he would still be able to be adopted by another family. Usually, welfare would try to improve the relationship between the biological parents and the child itself.

Like therapy or bonding sessions as such.

With that news, Rose and I returned to our penthouse with disappointment but also, with hope.

Of course, I shared this with Eomma and Appa about this. They knew we were gonna adopt Miko hence why I told them regarding the outcome.

"Don't worry about it. Miko will be a Kim-Park." Was what Appa replied when he heard the news.

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