Chapter 15: Reset Button

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Jennie POV

I looked around to find myself in a hospital ward. Why am I here?

I thought Lisa is the one admitted? Is she awake yet?

Author's note: Jennie's became normal again but she couldn't remember herself acting like a kid. As of now, she's not aware that 2 years have passed.

"Oh hey! Jennie! You're awake!" A woman around my age smiled as she entered the room.

Who is she?

"Who are you?" I asked and she widened her eyes.

"I'm... Jisoo? Lisa's friend in Japan?" She said nervously as she walked towards me with caution.

I frowned.

Lisa has someone else apart from me? It can't be!

"Lisa has a friend in Japan? Since when?" I asked and she scratched her head.

"Lisa stayed in Japan for 2 years...? You can't remember? Why do you sound... normal?" She asked.

"I am normal. What are you talking about?" I frowned and she gulped.

She dialed a number from her phone and whispered something before turning to me and whispering on the phone all over again.

"Uhh... Your dad is on his way." The girl named Jisoo, announced.

The whole time waiting for Appa was silent.

The girl seemed scared to make eye contact with me so she started playing her game on the phone.

When Appa entered the room, he kissed my head before walking towards the Jisoo girl to listen to her explanation.

"W-what?! I... I will go wait with her!" The Jisoo girl panicked as she ran towards the door and exited her way.

"Appa? What's going on?" I asked him and he sat on the chair, beside my bed.

"Uhmm... Jennie, what I'm about to tell you might be hard to take in but... remember the day Lisa was brought to the hospital and you waited for her to wake up?" Appa asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, it was yesterday. Why?" I asked and he shook his head.

"That was 2 years ago, princess. Lisa woke up and went back to normal. She was confused when she woke up so she ran away, started a new life with the help of plastic surgery in Japan." Appa explained and I shook my head.

"N-no, it can't be! I-it was yesterday!" I started to debate but Appa simply shut his eyes and shook his head.

"You on the other hand, couldn't accept the fact that Lisa ran away. You developed a high burning fever and you became like Lisa. A child all over again. Lisa, came back to look for you. She's normal now and also, now, you're back to your normal self but... you can't remember." Appa explained and I covered my mouth in shock.

"It can't be..." I whispered as I googled every footage and news about me and Lisa.

It's true... I'm holding that bear and Lisa... is like a mature person. She doesn't look like Lisa but those eyes don't lie. It's really her.

"I have another news..." Appa whispered and I looked up.


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