Chapter 21: Crawlers

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Lisa POV

I shook my head before sighing.

"Babe?" Jennie patted my waist.

"I-i'm okay..." I sobbed.

I flinched when Jennie's hand slid to my crotch from my back.

"Let's do... that?" Jennie whispered.

I pulled down the blanket to see Jennie already naked.

I was about to sit up but-

"Ow!" I flinched.

"Okay, love... Don't move too much. Let me do it for you." She whispered as she crawled on top of me.

I gulped when her beautiful breast hung right in front of me, screaming for me to touch.

I did.

I didn't know my touches would affect her until I saw her aroused look.

"T-touch me more, love... L-like that..." She moaned which made my crotch throbbing all over again.

I don't know what to do but my hands naturally twisted the pinkish button which made her bite her lip.

I don't think it hurt her.


Because her body trembled and then she gave me that look of burning desire.

She wants more.

I massaged her breast as she slowly unbuttoned my pyjamas.

I slapped her juicy butt which took her by surprise.

Seeing her reaction, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

I rubbed her ass worriedly.

"S-sorry?" I whispered and she giggled.

"You're so precious." She chuckled before hugging my neck, leaning our breast on each other.

"I-I love you, Jennie... I... I don't know how often or how brave the previous Lisa was b-but... uhh..." I kept quiet when she cupped my cheeks.

"Lisa... I love you more. Both old and new Lisa. I loved her both because... she's still you. It's always you, my love." She smiled and I teared up again.

How do I get so lucky?


"Uhhhh! J-jennie! Fuck!" I tightened my grip on her shoulders, leaning her head on her chest.

"D-don't curse, b-baby... ohh! Yes! You always taught m-me so. Anhhh! You're amazing, Lisa! Nhhh! C-cumming! HAHHHH! YESSSS! OH GOD! LISA!" She screamed before panting hard on my chest.

I gave her kisses on her forehead as I caught my breath.

I love this woman... so much.

"O-oh no! Oh nooo! J-jennie... w-we... we didn't use the uhmm... that rubber thing! T-the uhmm... sock for my pee pee..." I panicked but she simply chuckled.

"Babe, don't worry, okay? Rest now. I'll cook something for you." She said and I shook my head before pointing to the telephone.

"How about delivery? I want you close." I pouted and she nodded.

She called for delivery before hanging up the phone and made another call.

I overheard the conversation.

She's postponing a meeting for me.

I feel special.


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