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Till now we taught, we heard, we believed a King will fall in love with a Queen. A prince will marry a princess. A handsome person will marry a ethereal beauty.

What if a king fell in love with a commoner? What if a prince will marry to a normal middle class girl? What if a handsome person will marry an brown skin, bubbly girl?

This is the journey of khushi, a common girl in this society, which judge her based on her skin color and personality. She lives very simple life with her parents. She is a closed book to everyone. No best friends, no love interests. Currently searching for job.

Arnav who is CEO of AR Fashion House. Prince of Raizada's. He is handsome as Greek god, Rich, Arrogant, Egoistic. Currently dating Natasha Singh, Model and daughter of NS enterprises CEO. 

What if arnav met khushi? Will arnav fall for khushi? Will khushi accept arnav? Will their love withstand all the storms?


Hi All, Welcome to another beautiful journey of arshi. Let me know your views about prologue. Thank you.

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Some of characters in this book belongs to Rabba ve show but plot and story solely belongs to me. All rights reserved. 

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