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Story continuous from arnav and natasha talks sorry argument.

"I am like this and i wont change for anyone. I dont want to waste my time in this useless things like love, marriage. I have my own set rules and i will follow them at any cost" He said angrily and left from there.

"But ASR, Why are you like this?" Natasha asked loosing her calm.

"I am not answerable to anyone. Dont even think of repeating this. If you are not ok with me, we can break up." He said with straight face. Natasha composed herself in jiff. ASR is golden duck for her, she dont want to loose him. 

"No ASR, its ok. I will accept you the way you are, after all love is UNCONDITIONAL right?" She said with covering smile.

"But ASR why didnt you scold that middle class-ugly bit**, i hate her?" Natasha asked holding his arm. Arnav came out of her grip by removing her hands.

"I know what i am doing. And being MIDDLE CLASS and UGLY is not a sin. Stop making them bad words" He said and went from there leaving her ponder on her thoughts.

"I need to do something with that witch" She whispered herself.

Arnav's POV:- 

I started car and sped away without caring about where i am going.

For some reason i dont like natasha scolding Andhra Rowdy. Practically i should be happy that someone hate her other than me because i hate her. But, i didnt liked when natasha scolded her in office and now as well. 

Whats wrong with me? I was always like this punctual, rigid, introvert and arrogant.

Yes, i know i am arrogant but i dont think its wrong. It is the way to protect my self from getting hurt.

From childhood i was introvert but from past 10 years i became arrogant. An incident changed my views on everything. 

I set few rules to myself and i have been following them but after andhra rowdy stepped into my life everything is disturbed.

Its not like i have fallen for her beauty or something. She is an ordinary middle class girl. But something is there in her which is disturbing my thoughts. It is making me to think about her. 

When i heard about her from natasha i thought she is doing that to gain public attention. But when she insulted me in my own cabin, my ego got hurt. No one dared to do that but she not only back answered me and also challenged me. I dont like her guts, i dont like her attitude, i dont like her.

I repeated to my self, i need to defeat her at any cost. First i need to clear my mind, i need to remove her thoughts from my mind.

I closed my eyes but instantly opened as Andhra Rowdy's face came in my vision.

Ahhh, you are going to regret disturbing me MS. Khushi Kumari Guptha. 

POV ends...

Next morning:- 

"Chinnu, get up" Shashi tried to wake up khushi.

"Please let me sleep" Khushi said covering herself with quilt.

"Do you want get scolded by Your AB?" Shashi asked with smirk, khushi got up with jerk and sat on bed. Shashi burst out laughing at her reaction. 

"Who will wake up their daughter telling about rakshas?" She asked with pout.

"Chinnu, Usually Rakshasi should get up and see Rakshas only in morning" Shashi teased her. 

"Nooooo" Khushi shouted as if she is falling down from top hill. Shashi closed his ears to save himself.

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