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Lets skip all daily routine of arshi and start at fashion show day. 

Everything went well, Vinay was beyond satisfied. So they arranged party after the show. Everyone are in relaxing mode. 

"Khushi, you know this is first time of me being in business party" Anju said. Pranav also joined them. They all 5(Arshi, anju, aman & Pranav) sat on one table, where shashi, aravind & Rathna on other table.

"You cant keep your mouth shut, do you?" Arnav questions anju making them chuckle. Anju nodded no cutely.

"Very cute" Pranav complimented, aman & Arnav looked at him.

"I mean you two look cute" Pranav covered it up. Khushi smiled because she know arnav would have told about anju-pranav to aman. And they are being protective around her.

"Khushi you look dashing in saree, just rose is missing on your long hair" Pranav complimented her, she thanked him. Arnav coughed and glared at him. Khushi felt amused seeing his reaction. 

"Arnavji, do you need water?" Khushi asked with smirk. He nodded no glaring towards her.

"I am bored" Anju shouted gaining their attention.

"Me too" Khushi added.

"Good, then lets go and roam around" Anju said getting up.

"This is not a park to roam kids" Aman said.

"Dont mind these business freaks khushi." Anju said and they went from there. 

Minutes passed, Vinay completed his speech.

"Where are they?" Aman questioned.

"I will go and see" Arnav said and went to look for them. He went to back stage of party. He saw khushi standing there with worried face. 

"What happened khushi?" He asked in concern tone. She pointed opposite side with eyes. Arnav moved eyes towards that side.

"Ahhh" He shouted closing eyes. Girls busted into laugh. Anju wore devil mask and came there.

"How dare you two?" He shouted composing himself.

"We found this mask in costume room, is it good bhai?" Anju questioned suppressing her smile.

"You look same without mask too" He said smacking her.

"Auchhh" She shouted. 

"Lets go, they will say about AR now" Said arnav, they walked to their seats. 

"Now we are going to show what is AR from scratch to now, How successful it is." Representor said and moved away so everyone can see screen clearly.

It started displaying AR pics from scratch to present but the pic they shown last shook ground under some feet.

"What the hell!!!" Arnav shouted seeing Khushi & his marriage pics, video playing on screen. Everyone rooted to spot not knowing how to react. Most shocked person is Natasha who came in disguise.

She called Raman angrily but he disconnected in fear. She morphed arnav pics with hers and asked raman to handover to operator. She bribed him and she saw raman handing over the pen drive to him. 

"Who changed the pics? Bloody hell! How they got married? Why they kept it secret?" She shouted angrily. She directly went to where arnav standing. 

"What the hell ASR? You are married? That too this ugly middle-class bi**?" She questioned but she got reply from anju with a slap.

"I warned dont you dare to abuse khushi" Anju shouted, others are not in a state to respond.

"Security drag her away" Anju ordered. Natasha wriggled to free herself.

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