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Story continuous from the same day Khushi and Raman met in AR. 

Its almost evening when arnav decided to leave for home. He ringed khushi to come to his cabin.

"Rowdy, I am leaving now." He said, an instant relief formed on khushi face as she can also leave early.  After what happened today, her mind is not working properly and she wants to relax. There is less chance for her to meet Raman again but what if they met again? She dont want to see him. 

"Rowdy where are you lost?" He asked a bit loud seeing her engrossed in thoughts.

"No where, Why dont you call me khushi instead of Rowdy?" She asked to divert topic.

"Why? Rowdy suits you more" He stated more like a fact.

"Excuse me, Arrogant Boss suits you more but am i calling you that?" She asked with pointed look but soon clicked tongue for slip. He glared at her.

"What the!!!" He exclaimed.

"Or What about Lard Governor. It will suit perfectly with your *what the*" She said with smirk.

"Is it? Lets do one thing. From now on whenever you call me names inside office, i will cut thousand rupees from your salary" He suggested looking at her.

"What? If that happens i will be in debt to you by end of month. No way" She denied.

"That means you wont stop calling me that?" He asked glaring at her.

"I will if you stop calling me rowdy" She offered a deal.

"You know what? Do what ever you want, i wont stop calling you Rowdy, Andhra Rowdy" He said pinching her nose a little longer.

"Ahhh, Rakshas" She shouted but he chuckled in reply.

They bid bye and left to their respective homes. Khushi decided to be alone in her room as she dont want to spoil her mood more by Mother Devils.

At 9, her father entered in.

"Sorry chinnu, So much work today" He said taking seat beside her. He observed her gloominess. 

"Its ok nanna. I am just relaxing" She replied not looking into his eyes, if she does then he will caught her lie. 

"Look at me" He said lifting her chin. 

"Did something happened?" He asked observing her.

"No nanna, we had lots of fun in office" She said with fake smile which didnt reached her eyes.

"Chinnu remember i am your father." He said a bit seriously. 

"Really Nanna" She said to convince him.

"Fine, if my daughter decides to hide things from her father then leave it. Seems i dont hold importance in her life anymore" Saying emotionally he got up to leave. He felt a tug and turned towards her. 

"I saw HIM today" She said in almost tears.

"What? Where?" He asked cautiously. Khushi explained everything to him.

"Thank god, arnav was there to take care of you." He exclaimed in relief, khushi nodded head in agreeing.

"Chinnu, promise me you wont get weak again. HE is a closed chapter in your life. I know he caused lot of DAMAGE to your life but you have OVERCOME it. You have a bright future ahead beta" He said emotionally.

"I dont remember him until he came infront of me nanna" She said.

"He is just a stranger Chinnu, nothing more than that." He consoled her.

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