After Effects

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Story continuous from khushi taking coffee to arnav's cabin.

"Good Morning Boss" She said placing coffee cup on the table near him.

"I think we already met?" He said raising an eye-brow.

"Now i am starting my work officially right? Both are not same" She replied in professional tone.

"Where was your professional ethics when you were scolding your boss?" He asked in same tone.

"Who started it boss?" She asked in return.

"You" He replied flatly.

"No, you started it for your girlfriend. She insulted me when i went to NS, i just reacted to it. Why do you came in middle? More than love on your girlfriend you were unable to take a middle class girl taunting rich people. right?" She asked him.

"What the!!" He exclaimed in anger.

"Boss i didnt studied in Harvard but i too have some brain" She replied sarcastically.

"I am not sure about brain but you have sharp tongue." He said.

"Thats not answer to my question boss?" She reminded.

"I am not answerable to you. Where are those files i have given yesterday? You left office sharply at 7. Work completed?" He asked her.

"You were back checking on me?" She asked raising eye brow.

"Its my duty to ensure my employees safety" He said casually.

"Nice, i will fetch reports in a minute." Saying she turned back to her cabin.

"Simply he should have wished me back, whats the need to argue? Saying good morning is also a sin? Rakshas" She muttered herself.

She collected reports, files and returned to his cabin.

"Here boss, take this reports and i have saved one copy in desktop." She said handing over file to him.

Arnav took them silently and studied for few minutes. Khushi waited there ready to bear his taunts. 

"Good, they have some minor mistakes which are ignorable for first time. Mr. Khanna file needs more information about budget. Go and check with aman and correct them." He said dismissing her. She stood there shocked without moving an inch. 

"Ms. Guptha" He said forwarding report but she didnt moved.

"Ms. Andhra Rowdy come out of your dream land and take this report." He shouted making her come out of trance.

"Now, i feel satisfied hearing your shouts" She replied making arnav groan in annoyance and took files. 

"Surely this girl is mad" He muttered.

In Aman Cabin:- 

Aman was explaining about basic working rules to anju. Khushi went there and sat in empty chair beside anju.

"You both are fighting again?" Aman asked her.

"I just said good morning. He started fight." Khushi said, aman rolled eyes.

"I dont know how you got guts to fight with THE GREAT ASR?" Anju said in unexpected tone.

"I dont mind fighting with god also if he is at mistake" Khushi stated.

"You are 23 and talking very big things. Here see this kid is also 23, she always speaks about food and sleep" Aman said teasing anju. Anju pouted.

"Its not matter of age but experience. May be she didnt faced the situations which i went through" Khushi replied.

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