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Story continuous from arnav and khushi fight.

By 7 khushi reached home and went to her room directly. Mother devils stopped talking with her after their fight. 

She took bath and relaxed on bed doing nothing. Shashi came in and sat beside her.

"Chinnu, how is your boss?" Shashi asked as usual. 

"Nanna" Khushi shouted annoyed.

"With your tone i guess he did something. What is it?" He asked excited. She narrated everything without leaving a single bit.

"Haha, kind hearted arrogant boss" he laughed holding his stomach.

"He has guts to fight with you. I will pray to god to give him long life" he said joining hands. 

"Nanna, i will kill you" Saying she extended hands towards his neck.

"No baby, i am your only father. You cant kill me, go and kill your kind hearted arrogant boss" he teased her.

"Ahhh" she groaned.

"I wont leave that idiot. I will take revenge on him" She took oath.

"What are you going to do?" He asked with excited face.

"I wont tell you. By your concern i doubt you will call my boss and tell my plans" She said.

"Dont you trust me?" He asked her with pout.

"Of course NO" She said.

"Ok fine. I thought to take someone on ice-cream date. Bad luck" He said

"Really?" She asked with full bright face.

"Yes but someone lost their chance. I am going, i am sleepy" Shashi said dramatically.

"Nanna please please, lets go for ice-cream" Khushi requested with puppy face.

"No Chinnu. I am sleepy now" Shashi yawned. 

"Please, please please" She pleaded.

"Ok ok, but not now. At 11 will go secretly" Shashi said, khushi squealed in joy.

As planned father and daughter came out on bike to have ice-cream. 

In RM:- 

Arnav is sleeping peacefully until he heard door opening sound. He slowly opened eyes and saw a person entering in fully covered with blanket. He slowly extended hand and got hold of flower vase. Once the person reached him, he extended flower vase to hit him.

"Bhai" Anju shouted startled by her brother act.

"Anju?" Arnav too shouted in shock.

"Yes, anju" She confirmed.

"What are you doing here? At this time?" Arnav asked his questions.

"Dont shout. Ma will get up" She said in hushed tone.

"Ok, what are you doing here?" He asked in low voice.

"I need ice-cream" She said.

"What the!!" He exclaimed.

"What the nahi, ice-cream" She corrected him.

"Go to kitchen and fetch it from fridge" He said in no-nonsense tone.

"Bhai, i know we have ice-cream in fridge but i dont want it. I want to go out and eat ice-cream now" She stressed out.

"What?" He said.

"Yes i want to go out. Now come lets go" She said trying to pull him.


"No buts and ifs come" She said urging him. He took car keys and they came out.

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