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Third Person POV:- 

"Khushi, get up!!" Shouted saritha getting annoyed with her daughter attitude and habits. Yesterday she told she needs to attend two interviews but today she is not ready to leave the bed.

"Two minutes amma" Khushi replied covering herself with blanket.

"I will pour water on you if you wont get up" Saritha warned. Khushi remined silent.

"Ok, dont attend interviews today. I will ask pandith to search for a guy, you can get married" Saritha said knowing about her daughter views on marriage.

"Amma, you started your marriage radio again!!" Khushi exclaimed getting up and went to washroom to start her daily routine. Shashi who is witnessing all this sighed in worry. He dont want anyone to irritate khushi but his mother and wife are hell bent on doing it.

Khushi came out in 30 minutes getting ready to attend interview. She dressed in typical indian style kurthi along with chunni around her neck, no makeup.

"Saritha, ask your daughter to apply some cream on her face. It will help her to become white." Mohini said eyeing khushi from head to toe.

"There is no cream invented on this earth to change black skin to white. It will just add some temporary glow to skin. I dont want to damage my skin for temporary glow." Khushi said with serious tone.

"Who will see you if you go interview like this?" Mohini asked her.

"No one had to see me. They needs to give job to my talent not beauty" Khushi replied.

"Ma, stop it." Shashi said.

"Dont shut my mouth. Tell your daughter to stop back answering me. She dont know how to respect elders. Yesterday she spoke rudely to my friend just because she asked this girl to loose some weight. What's wrong in that? Look how fat she looks?" Mohini shouted.

"Ma, Its her body. If she is happy with it, we are no one to interface. And she is not fat but healthy." Shashi said seriously. Mohini rolled eyes at her son.

"Whatever, if she wont get job then she needs to get married in this year. Or else i will die." Mohini said blackmailing her son.

"Please go ahead and die." Khushi said and left from there without having breakfast. This is not new to her, it happens everyday. Shashi is getting tortured in middle of his daughter and mother.

She started walking towards bus stop to catch bus. She needs to get this job at any cost or else that old devil will eat her alive.

"Khushi" She heard her father voice, who reached her on bike.

"Nanna(Means father in telugu, as her mother belongs to Andhra Pradesh. She knows telugu and she likes calling her father as Nanna. It feels so attached)" Khushi exclaimed.

"Chinnu(Nick Name) Get on, i will drop you" He said khushi silently sat on bike.

"At what time interview starts?" He questioned her.

"At 11 in NS and other one is at 3 PM" She replied.

"For what position?" He questioned again.

"Nothing particular, as i have done fashion designing and MBA. I applied randomly. You know my goal right?" She questioned him.

"Yes, All the best." He said and stopped bike at restaurant. Khushi saw restaurant.

"I am not hungry nanna" She said.

"But i am and i dont want to eat when my daughter is starving" He said and dragged her in.

"Dont change yourself for others. Particularly not for my mother and your mother" He said to which khushi laughed.

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