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Story continuous from Khushi asking arnav about his hate towards marriage, love. 

They sat on a bench in near by park.

"Why you hate betrayals Arnavji?" She asked looking straight into his eyes.

"You remember mahesh uncle and sneha aunty?" He questioned, she nodded head in yes.

"Their son died right?" She added.

"Yes Abhinav, He died because of me" He said making her shock. Her heart stopped beating for a second.

"No arnavji. I wont trust you, You are not reason for anyone's death" She said in denial tone.

"I do khushi" He stressed. She nodded head in no.

"He was my best friend while i was doing fashion degree" He said.

"What happened to him arnavji?" She asked keeping hand on his, to support him emotionally.

"We both were very similar, with same thoughts, same ambitions. He used to study hard, his only aim is to take care of his parents. I used to support him financially as he is from poor family. He was my emotional support" He said.

"Then?" She asked with baited breath.

"There was a girl sneha in our university. I instantly attracted towards her due to her innocence, simplicity and good looks. Not just me but everyone, she is from middle class family. At the same time she was close to abhinav more than me. Though it was hurting me, i was happy for them. But.." He stopped looking towards her.

"What happened arnavji?" She questioned.

"Their closeness turned into love. They travelled too far in their love. One day we went for a party, Someone spiked my drink. Next day i woke-up next to sneha, we were almost naked. I was all set to tell everything to abhinav and apologize. But she requested me to not to tell, she blackmailed me with her death." He added closing his eyes. Though khushi felt pain hearing him being with another girl, she suppressed it for now. Its not time to think anything but his pain.

"Then one day suddenly he came to me, accusing me for betraying him. She was pregnant with my child. He loves me so much to hurt me more. He just went away with accusing eyes." Arnav said making khushi heart twitch in pain, tears formed in his eyes.


"Then very same day he committed suicide" He said making khushi shock, tears rolled from her eyes. Minutes of silence occupied in between them.

"What about sneha & The baby?" She questioned with stone heart. She dont want to hear it but she wants to know what happened further.

"She lied khushi" He said.

"What?" She asked to get confirmation.

"I left college in guilt. I searched for abhinav parents and made sure to get them settled. And i want to take responsibility of my mistake too. I went to sneha's home." He said thinking about that day.


Arnav stood outside of sneha home nervously.

"What the hell sneha, you are pregnant. You cant eat papaya" Sneha friend ruchi shouted.

"Common, i just lied" Sneha said with wicked smile.

"What? Lied?" Ruchi asked with shock.

"Yes, I dont want to be with abhinav but arnav" Sneha said.

"What the hell but you loved abhinav?" Ruchi asked.

"Whats love without money, i need only money. My only aim is to get close to arnav, initially i mistook abhinav as arnav. Then all this confusion happened." She explained.

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