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Story continuous from the next day natasha planning to harm khushi using raman.

After morning arshi didnt met for lunch. 

At 5 PM:-

"Khushi i am getting bored." Anju said playing with her hair.

"Me too" Khushi added. At the same time anju phone rung with rathna name. She talked with her.

"Khushi what is your evening plan?" Anju asked her.

"Actually i forgot sorry sorry. Nanna and me planned to hangout. Please join us na" Khushi said with sorry face.

"Actually khushi, mom said there is a party and we need to be there." Anju informed.

"Ohh" Khushi said with sad face.

"We includes you also. Before you ask uncle is also coming, you have no choice." Anju said in final tone.

"Girls i am paying you to do work not for time pass" Said arnav coming in.

"Bhai, everyday we will work right? Today we received first pay, let us enjoy" Anju said, khushi too nodded head along with her.

"Mom asked us to be at home by 6:30" Anju informed.

"I have lot of work anju" Arnav replied.

"Bhai, inform same to mother. I am just a medium" She said.

"Its better to come home rather hearing her taunts" Arnav said with annoyed face making girls chuckle.

"What about my mother devils?" Khushi said a bit loud.

"Wont uncle handle them?" Anju asked her.

"He will but they will kill me with questions. That old devil mainly, dont know when she will die and give me peace. Devimayya, please give mukthi(Getting relief from relationships and emotions. In other way it means death) to her. Please do it as soon as possible." Khushi said joining hands and looking at devimayya.

"Khushi i thought you are a good girl" Anju exclaimed hearing her words.

"She is not good girl, she is rowdy girl precisely Andhra Rowdy." Arnav said.

"That devil deserves it" Khushi supported herself. 

"I want coffee" Arnav said. 

"Anju please get me a cup of coffee" He added before khushi can get up. Khushi pouted understanding why he asked anju. Anju left from there thinking khushi did something again with his coffee.

"I will learn making coffee and i will make you praise me soon" Khushi challenged him.

"In this life?" He asked sarcastically.


"Are you sure?" He asked with pointing glare.


"I highly doubt it Rowdy" He teased her.

"Why mom called us early?" He questioned.

"Dont know arnavji, Anju just said its get together and nanna will also come" She informed.

"Thank god." He said releasing a deep breath.

"What happened arnavji?" She questioned him.

"I thought she arranged another match making party" He said with annoyed expression.

"Means?" She questioned confused.

"Before accepting natasha proposal, she used to arrange party every week." He said.

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