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Story continuous from the previous day of pooja in RM.

Everyone includes khushi and shashi are sitting in living hall of RM. 

"Shashi, I want to invite saritha and ma to pooja" Arvind said. Khushi who was having water cuffed. 

"Slowly rowdy" Arnav said patting her head. 

"Is my idea that bad?" Arvind asked, Shashi nodded head slowly looking at arshi.

"Aunty will make seen when she comes to know about us." Arvind said.

"Who will say to them about us? Its top secret between me and chinnu" Shashi replied.

"Devimayya, i forgot a file in home" Khushi said nervously.

"You can fetch it on monday" Anju said.

"No, arnavji asked it for today" Khushi said, arnav nodded head looking at her.

"I will go and get it" Khushi said getting up.

"Its 7 now, i will also come with you" Shashi said.

"No way, you are not going anywhere without dinner. Arnav you go with khushi" Rathna ordered. Arnav nodded head positively as he too dont want khushi to go alone.

"I will also come" Anju stood up. 

"Ok, come fast. No outside food today, i have already prepared everything" Rathna added. 

Arshi along with anju reached GH in 30 minutes as there was less traffic due to weekend. 

"Come lets go" Khushi said, they gave doubtful looks.

"What?" Khushi asked them.

"What if that oldy scolds you? I cant stand it? I may kill her" Anju said, khushi chuckled.

"Leave about her." Khushi said and they got down.

"I am still thinking its a bad idea" Anju said.

"Just shut your mouth choti then it wont be" Arnav suggested, anju pouted in reply. Khushi rang calling bell. Saritha opened door, khushi scanned home with eyes and found dadi on living hall.

"Perfect." Khushi exclaimed sarcastically.

"Khushi, is this the time to come home?" Saritha said without looking up, once she did she looked at khushi confused.

"Ma they are my friends" Khushi said, anju & Arnav wished her formally. She too smiled back towards them.

"Come in. I will bring Juice for you two" Saritha said.

"Its not needed aunty" Anju denied with smile. 

"She is my DADI" Khushi stressed dadi, they wished her too. 

"Khushi learn some manners from them. See how good they are" Mohini said with smile. Khushi silently went and sat beside her.

"Why not Mohi, Arnavji you know my Mohi loves me so much." Saying she kissed her cheek, hugging her. Mohini kept irritating face. Anju and arnav smirked and controlled their laugh.

"Do you know Anju, she wont sleep without giving me a good night kiss and she wont get up not seeing me" Saying khushi kissed her other cheek. She kept all her weight on mohini.

"Khushi, come here" Saritha said as her sasuma will blast in any moment. 

"Ma let me pamper my lovely mohi" Khushi said pulling her cheeks. 

"I will go get file" Khushi said satisfied with irritation look on her face.

"Anjali beta, why dont you help khushi to become like you. Beautiful?" Mohini said, arnav fisted hands to control himself knowing about her intension. 

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