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Story continues from Natasha entering into AR.

"Ms. You cant go into ASR cabin without appointment" Khushi said and lady turned towards her.

"You?" Natasha and khushi exclaimed looking at each other, one with anger and other with shock.

"How dare you to stop me?" Natasha shouted in anger. Whole staff from down floors looked up hearing her loud voice.

"Miss, ASR gave clear instructions to not to send anyone inside without appointment" Khushi said as calm as possible.

"Do you even know who i am ? You cant even guess because, That middle class brain of yours wont work to guess my status." Natasha asked haughtily. Khushi rolled eyes at her.

"You again came to AR in this behanji dress. Even sweepers and attenders will wear better cloths than you" Natasha said which erupted fits of laughter from office staff.

"See how everyone are laughing at you?" Natasha told with evil glint.

"Miss. Whatever, i dont know about your status. But i can guess you are in poor state than beggars. Your dress which has lots of holes and cuts says that." Khushi replied, everyone are astonished hearing her come back.

"You? You landed here because of me, still you didnt changed? You are again insulting ASR's girlfriend" Natasha warned. Now khushi understood why ASR is showing arrogance towards her from first meeting.

"Even if you are ASR girlfriend, you need to take appointment to meet him. This place is to work not to romance" Khushi said unaffected with the little truth. 

"You?" Natasha lifted hand to hit her but a hand stopped her. They turned to see ASR standing there with splitting eyes.

"Get back to work" He shouted reminding all staff to work.

"ASR, see this low class bitch is stopping me to meet you" Natasha said holding his arm wiping her non-existing tears.

"Dont even dare to call me with names. Last time i shoved your face in bin but next time i will pluck your hairs off and make you bald." Khushi warned her dangerously.

"See ASR, how is she threatening me? Fire her?" Natasha said looking at him.

"Ms. Singh, how many times i have told you to not to create scene in AR?" He asked with cold voice making natasha flinch with fear but khushi stood there firmly.

"She didnt let me in..." She tried to argue.

"She did her duty. Now get back to work. In AR you are a model and i am boss. Nothing more or less" He said dismissing her, natasha went from there giving death glares to khushi.

"You Ms. Rowdy, From next time call me and confirm with me. Dont make scene infront of office staff. No need to show your bravery to world" He hissed.

"Its your girlfriend mistake sir. I am doing my duty" She replied.

"You have nerve. I had to come out of cabin leaving my important work to stop this drama. For wasting my 5 minutes, you have to work 2 hours extra today." He said.

"Ok sir" She replied calmly as she knows he is trying to mess up with her and made her accept defeat.

"Good, now get back to work" He said and left from there. Khushi also turned to go but stopped seeing a beautiful girl standing near elevator.

"Excuse me, i need to meet Arnav.." Before she complete her sentence khushi interrupted her.

 "You need to take appointment in prior to meet boss, his schedule is filled up" Khushi said with slightly irritated tone.

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