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Morning  6 AM, Living hall of RM:- 

Rathna is giving harathi to Lard Krishnaji, praying for everyone happiness. 

"Good morning Rathnaji" Aravind said coming down.

"Morning Aravindji, please stop your teasing atleast in front of god. Pray to him" She warned.

"I have everything in my life. A beautiful wife, lovely kids, wealth, health, peace. Then why should i disturb god? Let him concentrate on others problems" Aravind said casually earning a hit on his shoulder.

"Pray for your darling daughter, she is going to give last exam today. Pray for your son and his happiness" She said to him.

"I have done my part in their lives. Now they are grown up, matured. So, they need to handle themselves." He replied making rathna roll eyes at his trademark answers.

"Thats my dad." Said Anjali coming down.

"Good morning princess" He said to which she hugged him and whished back. She did same with her mother.

"Why my princess is up early today?" He questioned her. Its not everyday that anjali will get up by 6 AM.

"Today is my last exam and it is very tough one too. Though to request god to make question paper easy" She said to which her parents smiled.

"God wont prepare your question paper. So, buttering him will give you nothing. Instead you can study in this time, you will atleast score pass marks" Remarked our prince, Arnav Singh Raizada coming down in jogging dress.

"Good morning bhayya" Anjali wished with bright smile ignoring his comment. 

"Indeed good morning it is choti" Arnav replied kissing her forehead like usual.

"Arnav come, you also pray to god" Rathna said, she already knows his answers.

"Mom, you know i wont believe in god." He said and went out. Everyone sighed at his behavior.

"When will he change?" Rathna said disappointed.

"He will change as soon as he broke up with that makeup doll" Anjali said referring to his brothers girl friend.

After sometime:- 

After coming back from jogging, arnav took bath and got ready in his three piece suit looking dashing as usual. He jelled his hair perfectly, wore his Rolex watch and pocketed his phone. Richness and powerful aura is screaming from him.

He came down to have breakfast before leaving to company. May whatever happens they wont miss to have breakfast and dinner together. Its a base rule kept by rathna and no one dare to disobey it.

"Mom, i will be late today" Arnav said taking his seat.

"Mom, i will be early today" Anjali said.

"Why?" Aravind questioned her.

"For sure, exam paper will be tough and there wont be nothing for me to write. So, i will come early" She explained.

"Be confident Anju." Arnav said with serious tone.

"Leave about me? Why will you be late? Dont tell me you are going on date with that makeup doll bhayya?" Anjali asked him.

"Anju, makeup is part of her profession" He said for the umpteenth time.

"I am talking about her witchy attitude bhayya not profession" Anju said as usual.

"Kids, eat silently" Aravind warned knowing where this argument will lead them. 

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