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Story continuous from next day of party.

As usual everyone started their day. Anju and khushi are in canteen for lunch. They were talking about random things. 

"Khushi, yesterday was so fun right?" Anju asked her. 

"Yes, its one of the best day of my life" Khushi replied.

"Will have more days in future" Anju said with smile.

"Tomorrow is friday right? Will plan for night out. I will come with nanna and you come with arnavji" Khushi suggested.

"Its impossible, bhai wont agree" Anju said with sad face.

"Will convince him somehow" Khushi assured her. They got up to leave after finishing their business. As khushi concentration is on anju, she missed to notice opposite person and collided with him.

"Sorry sorry" Khushi said instantly. She opened eyes and looked at that person. She got shocked seeing him after 7 years.

"Khushi? Is that you?" He said with big smile on his face but she didnt replied.

"Do you know him khushi?" Anju asked confused.

"Khushi" Anju shook her to bring her back.

"Huh?" Khushi looked at anju with same confusion.

"Do you know him?" She asked again.

"Hmm, yes" 

"Khushi, how many years its been. I mean you changed a lot. I am so happy that we met. I am sorry for the past khushi. I was childish that time" Raman apologized which made her eyes wet remembering those insults.

Without answering, she ran from there leaving more confused anju behind. She too followed khushi.

Khushi ran to her cabin, that incident took birth again in her thoughts. Sweat beads formed on her forehead and their insulting words are echoing in her ears. That incident changed her whole nature. Tears rolled from her eyes.

"Khushi, what happ.." Anju unable complete her sentence seeing khushi state. She ran and hugged khushi.

"What happened khushi?" She asked but khushi didn't opened her mouth.

"Khushi from how long i have been trying to call you?" Arnav asked coming in but stopped looking at them. He saw khushi shivering, he went and kneel down ifront of her.

"What happened to her anju?" He asked, this is second time he saw khushi weak.

"Dont know bhai, she was good 5 minutes back" Anju replied moving a bit back.

"Haa, one guy met her. She said she know him too but after that she is not speaking" Anju explained.

Arnav held her hand and rubbed it. She looked at him with tears. He wiped her tears slowly looking into her eyes directly.

"I am your friend right? Tell me what happened?" Arnav asked.

"That guy.. that" She struggled to form sentence.

"Did he hurt you? Tell me?" Arnav asked with rage.

"In past" Khushi said.

"Tell me if you feel comfortable" Said arnav still rubbing her hands in support. Aman who came there following arnav stood there silently.

"In college, i liked him. I proposed him one day, i know its childish. He insulted me infront of everyone. Whole college laughed at me. He said i am ...i am not fit for love, marriage. God made me by mistake, people like me shouldn't live. He called me ugly, dirty infront of all. He said no one loves me. He referred me as fat and black ball. And then others also criticized me, made fun of me" Khushi said with more tears. Anju and aman too cried hearing her. Arnav's eyes became wet hearing her, he took her into his arms to comfort her. 

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