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"Tell me one thing, why didnt you fought with arnav when he was scolding you?" Shashi asked confused.

"Dont know may be because i saw YOU in HIM while he was scolding me." Khushi said thinking about arnav.

"What?" He exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, till now we fought many times. He scolded me many times. All the time it was his arrogance, attitude and ego. But today for the first time i saw concern behind his anger." Khushi said whatever she felt, there is no use of hiding things from shashi and she cant hide it anyways.

"Chinnu always remember this, You cant say the people who are talking nicely with you loves you. People who scold you always hates you." He said.


"Means, the people who scold us may do good to us sometimes." He said.


"That means you are going to stop fighting with arnav at least on this topic?" He asked her.

"No way, we pleaded him not to say to you. Because of him, you punished me for one week. I will torture him for this. Anyways he needs to say sorry for insulting me previous also" Khushi replied.

"I punished you not because of him but because of you" Shashi said.

"Mr. Shashi Guptha, you are taking arnav side these days. I am warning you, it will not be good for you." Khushi warned him.

"Ok, Andhra Rowdy" He bowed head which made her laugh. 

"Tell i am tired and sleep tomorrow. Going out with mother devils is dangerous" He gave idea, they spent their weekend like this.

On monday, khushi reached office as usual. She saw only aman, that means anju and arnav didnt came yet.

"Hi Khushi" Aman whished her.

"Hi Aman Sir" Khushi replied.

"You can address me as aman." He said politely.

"Ok sir" She said and bit her tongue.

"Seems you enjoyed weekend the most on bike?" He asked.

"Who told you? Arnav sir?" She asked him in return.

He laughed without answering. 

"I dont know how you are being friends with him. He is such a kaddus guy. He told everything to my father too, he scolded me and punished me." Khushi blabbered.

"He told that too" He added.

"Really?" She asked.

"Hmm, he said you are a good rider" Aman said to cool her anger.

"Dont lie sir, he? saying good about me? It wont happen in this life. Arrogant person." Khushi cursed.

"If any arrogant person is here, then it is you Ms. Perfect" Came a beautiful yet commanding voice.

"Good Morning Mr. AB" She told gritting teeth. Anju and aman suppressed laugh seeing her angry face. 

"Seems you are in serious discussion?" He said with smirk.

"Sir, anyone wished you good morning, its basic manners to wish them back" Khushi stated.

"Good to know Ms. Guptha. I will arrange a weekly class with our staff, you can teach them about manners" He teased her.

"Definitely, also i will teach them how to handle an arrogant boss" She replied, anju and aman eyes popped out at her guts. 

"And dont forget about Attitude Assistant" He said and went in. She stomped feet on ground and went to make coffee for him. Anju and Aman laughed out loud.

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