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Story continuous from khushi and natasha fight.

The same evening khushi is sitting in her cabin and working on preparing arnav schedule.

"Khush, its 5:00 we can leave" Said anju coming in.

"I have lot of work. I got planning of next fashion show. I need to understand and follow them. Main important thing is i dont have much time to do that." Khushi said pouting.

"Shall i help you?" Asked anju.

"No, you said you need to take uncle to hospital" Khushi reminded her.

"Ha, i will ask mom to take him" Said anju.

"No you go, i will go home by 6:30" Assured khushi and anju left.

After few minutes arnav left along with aman leaving khushi alone. She called her father and informed him about work and asked him to pick her up by 7.

Other side by 6.00 :- 

"That ugly girl insulted me infront of arnav? How dare she?" Said natasha spitting fire.

"I am going to take revenge for this, you have to pay very badly khushi" She muttered and looked at vijay.

"Mam weather is very bad. Everyone left office except khushi and security. Lets go" Said Vijay.

"Lets plan something for khushi today. She should know the consequences of messing with Natasha Singh" Said natasha with evil smirk.

"Go down and make sure no one are around except khushi and call me when you reach basement" Said natasha.

"What are you planning mam?" Asked vijay but went away seeing her glare. Power went off due to heavy winds, rain and thunderstorms.

After confirming with vijay, natasha went to basement. 

"Go fast and turn off generator. Turn off power also" Said natasha and vijay followed her instructions.

"I thought to turn off power first but god helped me." Smirked natasha. 

"I dont understand anything mam, khushi can come out right?" He asked her.

"How? I locked her room from outside" Said natasha with smirk.

"What about CCTV? What if we get caught?" He asked scared.

"Arnav will throw us out if we get caught. But CCTV wont work without power. We dont need to worry" She said.

"This is just sample khushi. You insulted me many times, i am going to return it. I will make your life hell" Said natasha and they sat in their car.

"Stop at security." Ordered natasha. She slide window down and called security near.

"Yes mam?" 

"ASR ordered you people to go home as weather is not good. You all can leave" She said and left from there.

"What a plan mam. You are beauty with brains" Praised vijay.

"Lets go and celebrate victory" With that they left from there.

In Khushi cabin:- 

"Why power went now?" She muttered and took mobile to turn on flash. 

"Hey devimayya, its raining, thunderstorms?" She exclaimed keeping hands on ears. She is afraid of lightening and thunderstorms from childhood. In home every time shashi will be there with her. When she was 12, shashi and saritha went to marriage leaving her with mohini. It was very dark and sound night. Khushi got scared and went to mohini for help but she didnt opened door. After crying for an hour and banging door she went to her room. She sat under bed and continued crying until she fell unconsciousness.

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