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Story continuous from khushi and arnav little argument.

Arnav family along with aman, khushi and shashi assembled to have dinner. 

"This is the happiest day of my life shashi. Though i have everything, there was a part of me which craved for your presence." Aravind said making them emotional.

"I also missed you so much" Shashi said.

"Why didnt you talked about uncle with us?" Anju asked them.

"Every time he thinks about shashi bhai he will become sad, he talks with me about bhai" Rathna explained.

"I know about dad friend but dont know its uncle" Arnav said.

"Is it?" Aravind asked him.

"I have vague memories of childhood and also i heard few times you talking about him" Arnav explained.

"Nanna told me many times" Khushi spoke.

"Finally all my favorite children are in one place. Arnav, anju, aman and khushi" Aravind exclaimed.

"What are you doing now?" Aravind asked shashi.

"Working in bank" 

"Love marriage or arrange marriage?" Aravind continued his questions.

"Love marriage but if you see us now, you wont believe" Shashi said.

"Amma is still same?" Aravind asked about mohini.

"Yes, infact worse" Shashi replied.

"Dont worry we are there for you both now" Aravind said.

Meanwhile rathna served khushi with so much love.

"This much i cant eat aunty" Khushi objected.

"Why? Anju will eat more than this" Rathna said making anju pout.

"Aunty, no one can compete with anju in eating" Aman teased her.

"Even no one can compete with khushi in eating ice-creams" Arnav teased khushi. Though its shock for aravind and rathna as arnav being casual, others chuckled.

"No one will compete you in arrogance arnavji" She whispered in his ear.

"Only you" He whispered back.

"Beta, you can talk loudly. We wont mind" Aravind said making others laugh.

Khushi liked aravind and rathna. Till now no relative talked nicely with her. Just because they are relatives, they feel like talking all nonsense to her. They will comment on her figure, food habits as if she is public property. 

(This is one annoying habit of relatives. No matter its men or women, they will start suggesting on how to maintain slim body. This relatives wont eat and they wont let us eat peacefully. I believe beauty is not in living according to other's likes but living according to our likes. Dont change for anyone until unless you want to change.)

"Wow, khushi i am so happy. From now on we can meet anytime, stay over and enjoy" Anju exclaimed.

"Such a kid anju is" Shashi said lovingly.

"Yes, yet to grow up" Aravind said.

"No matter how much your daughters grow up, you will look after them like kid" Rathna said.

"Thats true" Aman said.

They had dinner peacefully. Shashi bid bye to them along with khushi. Arnav and aravind decided to walk them out. Aman already went home.

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