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Story continuous from arnav and khushi leaving to visit site.

They came to car which is in parking. 

"Sir, How much time it will take to reach there?" Khushi asked him.

"Its in outskirts of city" He replied. Khushi opened door and got in.

Arnav started engine, peaceful silence occupied in between them and no one wish to break it.

"Ms. Guptha" Arnav said initiating conversation.

"Yes boss?" She responded.

"Today afternoon whatever happened at cafeteria is not accident" He confessed.

"Means?" She asked confused.

"I am sure you understood my words" He stressed.

"I understood but what does it mean by not accident? Does vijay planned it? But why?" She asked him.

"Not vijay but Natasha" He revealed.

"What? Why?" She questioned again.

"What do you mean by why? You insulted her in her own company. You insulted her in AR, do you think she will leave you?" He questioned back.

"Why are you asking me to be careful?" She asked again.

"Why dont you agree without arguing?" He questioned her.

"No, you need to support your girlfriend right? Why are you supporting me? " She asked him.

"Ms. Guptha, Natasha is very dangerous. You saw her act today right? She may try to hurt you again. I am just warning you to be careful." He said in little bit irritated voice.

"When you know she is at mistake, why didnt you scolded her?" She questioned him.


"I know punishments are only reserved for middle class people like us. Whatever you people do is always right because you are rich." Khushi said raising voice.

"Ms. Gup.."

"You no need to worry about me, i know how to take care of myself. More than her i need to be careful with you." She said and turned other side.

"You know what is my mistake? Saying good to you. And remember one thing, dont ever interrupt while i am talking." He said banging steering wheel.

"Who asked you to say good?" She argued. 

"What the!!!" He exclaimed.

"First he will fight with me for his girlfriend, he will scold me, he will insult me then he will come and say be careful with my girlfriend? Brainless boss" Khushi muttered but audible enough to arnav.

"What the F**!!! you called me brainless?" He asked unbelievably.

"I didnt called you brainless, i said you have less brain" She said twitching her mouth as well as words.

"Both are same only" He stressed.

"You know right both are same then why are you asking?" She questioned him.

"Is there is any logic in your words, You speak lot of nonsense" He scolded.

"Mr. Arrogant Boss, i am human not math book to search for logic" She said.

"You definitely deserve punishment for calling me brainless." He stated and stopped car.

"We reached?" she asked.

"Yes, get down" He said.

They both got down and came infront of car.

"You see Ms. Guptha, that pole is there right?" He said showing finger towards the direction.

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