Chapter 15- Distraction *

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I'm yours sped up by Isabel LaRosa on Spotify

NO. This can't be happening. Panic surged through me as I swiftly pulled my wrist from his grasp and sought refuge in the bathroom, hastily locking the door behind me. With trembling hands, I reached for the mirror, desperate to conceal the truth that had been momentarily revealed.

In the reflection, I saw it - one eye devoid of its disguise. My heart sank, realizing that one of my contacts must have fallen out in the rush of the moment. I swiftly retrieved it and inserted it back into place, ensuring that no shimmering magenta or purple hues peeked through. I had to maintain my charade, to protect myself and the secrets I held.

Thoughts raced through my mind as I weighed my options. Should I run? Seek sanctuary at the cottage on the coast, where I could work from a safe distance? Or perhaps find a hiding spot nearby, somewhere he wouldn't think to look. The adrenaline coursed through my veins, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't focus.

I heard a knock on the door, Sebastian's voice calling out my name. Confusion laced his words, his tone still searching for answers. Slowly, I opened the door, my eyes meeting his bronzed gaze that bore into mine, searching for the truth I was unwilling to reveal.

My mind teetered on the edge of darkness, envisioning a future where Sebastian discovered my true identity, where resentment grew within him, fueling a desire to control and manipulate me. The image of him casting the Imperius Curse flashed through my mind, a chilling reminder of the potential dangers that lay ahead. Greed, I thought, recalling the words of my mother, would be the downfall of humanity. Despite how I felt about him, there was a very real part that was utterly unpredictable and even dangerous. He is passionate and carries a heavy conviction once's he's set his mind to a task.

His passion tended to consume him, driving him to recklessness and crossing boundaries without hesitation. Meanwhile, I find myself in a constant struggle, grappling with the immense scope of my powers, their potential yet uncharted. But he... he had no bounds, no line he wouldn't blur in pursuit of his ambitions. He claims to have changed, but doubts linger. Complicating matters further, my heart beats with a deep, intense connection for him. Uncertainty weighs heavily, torn between affection and apprehension.

"Sorry about that... I had taken a potion that I was testing out and almost felt sick for a minute there. Didn't want to spill my guts out all over you," I said, attempting to feign the truth.

As I tried to slide beside him, I was met with his arms blocking my path, effectively trapping me under his piercing gaze. Panic surged within me as I realized I had nowhere to run.

"Yvaine, is there something you'd like to say?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity. I could sense that he was piecing things together, connecting the dots, but I couldn't let him uncover the truth. Not now.

Out of impulse, I kissed him. Then more aggressively. Maybe I can distract him? His eyes widen confused again. I kissed him and pushed him towards the bed, locking my door with a flick of my wand. What was I doing?

Panicked and fueled by an adrenaline rush, I moved towards him with deliberate grace, desperately wishing I possessed the seductive prowess of the Sirens back home. Just like most myths, there is usually a sliver of truth to them. Mermaid and particularly the Sirens, did have certain manipulative powers such as their voice. Legends painted them as monsters that lured sailors to their deaths. But Sirens only ever used their magic when provoked.

I swayed my hips in a sensual manner, imitating their alluring movements. Drawing upon my magical abilities and voice, I sang a spell to keep Sebastian entranced, his eyes fixed on me as I closed the distance between us. He made no move to resist my advances. I slowly took my shirt off and began to unbutton his, kissing my way down neck. The melody continuing to hypnotize him.

"Seb... you're going to have to tell me what to do" I said in a tauntingly innocent way. Sebastian's breathing was picking up , his chest heaving up and down. His head dipping back as I made my way down to his trousers. He bit his lip from the pleasure and increasing heat.

He took his belt off with one hand. "I want to be inside that pretty mouth of yours" he said with dark energy. He unzipped his trousers and I pulled the rest down eagerly. "Take it out and please me, love.. like this" He said with his voiced laced with lust, as he showed me how to stroke him just right. He wasn't as big as Ominis but I imagined he knew how to fuck me into next week if he wanted to.

I continued to stroke him and then took him in my mouth to his delight. Trying to find a good rhythm, I wrapped my tongue around his member and felt it pulsating as I went up and own. Sebastians groans got louder the more I picked up the pace. He griped my hair and shoved his dick farther down my throat. Moans left me the more lewd thoughts that came to my mind. As bad as Sebastian is, and he definitely had inner demons to deal with, he was really great when it came to pleasurable activities.

"Ugh .. fuck Yvai—" he tried to speak only to be overcome with his own intense orgasm. Feeling it crash in my mouth, I swallowed every last bit. I continued to lap up every last drop, further teasing him and causing him to be extra sensitive. He sat up for more control. As I moved my head up, he grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him. He licked my neck slowly, driving shivers down my spine. When he finished he stared at me with heat behind those chocolate- colored eyes. Then he pulled me on top of him for a passionate kiss.

It seemed he was ready for more but with a melody I was able to slow down his desire. As our passionate kisses continued, his body reached its limits, surrendering to the intensity. Sensing his weariness, I tenderly hummed another lullaby, my voice carrying the magic of my mermaid lineage. With each gentle note, his eyelids grew heavy, and he succumbed to sleep's embrace. A mix of relief and uncertainty washed over me, knowing that the complexities of our connection had deepened.

With a heavy heart, I rose from the bed, leaving Sebastian to his slumber. The room felt heavy with unanswered questions and unspoken truths. The road ahead was uncertain, filled with challenges and sacrifices to navigate as I sought to protect both my secrets and the fragile connection I shared with Sebastian.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now