Chapter 46- Home Again

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Yvaine POV

We returned to Hogwarts in disarray, hurrying to inform Headmistress Weasley of the latest developments. We swiftly began preparing ourselves for an imminent battle, whether it be against Morgana or the sinister forces lurking in the accursed Leviathan Domain.

There's a good reason why we avoid that place, why we use it as a punishment. It's reserved for the darkest and most heinous purposes.

And they had taken Sebastian.

I pleaded with him not to go to the masquerade but once he set his mind to something there was no stopping him. As I went over the Domain map with everyone, an owl arrived bearing a letter. The Gaunt Crest was stamped on it. My hands trembled slightly as I read it aloud, driven more by anger than fear.


You've forsaken me, yet it seems fate is bringing you back to me. Arrive to the Leviathan Domain by the morrow's nightfall, or I shall derive sinister delight from Sebastian's death. Come alone. Any interference will swiftly seal his fate. Your betrayal had awoken the darkness within me, and perchance it was destined for Sebastian to fall within my grasp. Will you save his life? Your assistance in my rekindling with the dark arts and reunion with my family is duly acknowledged

.......Ominis Gaunt"

I crumpled the letter in my hand out of frustration. Ominis had to still be going with this charade right? He was awfully convincing.

I explained the situation to the others, and we attempted to devise a plan. Morgana would undoubtedly have her creatures patrolling the grounds for us. Who knew what kinds of adversaries lurked in the mysterious underwater world we were about to enter.

I gathered the group around a table, my brow furrowed in thought. The weight of the impending mission hung heavily in the air.

"We all know what's at stake here," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. "We have to get Sebastian back, and that means going to the Leviathan Domain. But we can't underestimate Morgana's power or the dangers of that place."

I surveyed my resolute comrades, each one carrying the battle scars they had earned together.

"We've prepared for this moment, thanks to Josephine and the Sirens. Our underwater training has honed our skills, but we're venturing into Morgana's realm, and there are parts of it even we haven't charted."

"It's a foreboding, shadowed place," I added, casting a glance at Alaric, seeking his input.

"It's crucial," he began, underscoring the gravity of our caution. "Injuries inflicted by those creatures can set us back for weeks, sometimes months. I shudder to think how they might affect humans."

He bared the scar from a Leviathan encounter, tracing its jagged outline. Its grotesque, sea serpent anatomy was a fearsome sight - massive, armored scales, serrated teeth that glistened like obsidian, and eyes that seemed to hold the darkest depths of the ocean within them. The Leviathan was a nightmarish beast, its sheer size and strength unmatched in the underwater world.

"Numerous sea creatures, once dismissed as mere myths, have indeed been exiled to this domain," he continued, his voice carrying a weight of resignation as memories of his past battles with these creatures resurfaced.

"So, they're simply roaming freely now?" Garreth interjected with an ironic fearful tone.

"No," he replied, shaking his head. "We take meticulous measures to ensure their magical restraints, their strength depleted, and their precise placements. Many painstaking steps must take place before they can even move within this domain. But who can say what Morgana has been plotting since her awakening?"

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now