Chapter 52- Waning Hope

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Ominis POV

I cradled her in my arms, unable to focus or think clearly. Everything that had just transpired left me in a state of bewilderment. I remained still, unsure of the magnitude of the events that had unfolded. It felt as though time had frozen as I held her close to my heart.

Yvaine had slipped through my grasp so many times before, and each time, I feared she would become one with the vast expanse of the ocean, lost forever.

Amidst the cheers and expressions of victory from our allies, the Wizards, Sirens, Unspeakables, and members of the Ministry of Magic, our friends, and countless others, the jubilation was palpable. The water was filled with the joyous sounds of celebration, and the relief of knowing that the battles were finally over.

I could hear their cheers and expressions of victory, and the joyous sounds of celebration mingling with the collective sighs of relief as the darkness receded from the ocean.

With great trepidation, I summoned the spell "Lumina Vitae" once more, my heart pounding with fear of what I might discover.

And there it was, her life force, unmistakably present but undeniably fading, even as our allies continued their jubilant celebrations around us.

"We need to take her back to the castle, Ominis," Josephine urgently said as she assessed Yvaine. Her tone held a sense of urgency that did little to lift my hopes.

"Gabriel, I trust you to handle the logistics here while we head back?" she directed towards Gabriel, who responded with a solemn nod.

And with that, we raced back through the watery depths. As we passed through the realm, we couldn't help but notice the celebrations that had enveloped everyone. It was a stark contrast to the somberness we carried with us.

Upon our return, it was apparent that Queen Serena had already learned of her daughter's condition. Her spirit seemed dampened compared to the joyous atmosphere around her as we approached.

"Quickly, to the alchemists' chambers!" she urged, her gaze locked on her daughter with unwavering devotion and love.

We all waited outside, consumed by worry and fear for Yvaine. Sebastian sat on the floor beside me, his head buried in his hands, while I leaned against the wall, pacing back and forth occasionally, my mind racing with uncertainty about what more I could do.

Poppy sat on the floor with Garreth, leaning her head on his shoulder, her usually cheerful demeanor replaced by deep concern. We were a group united by our love for Yvaine, and our collective worry weighed heavily on us, a knot of anguish tightening in our chests.

Inside, the alchemists continued their tireless work on her, using spells, magic, and various healing practices. The hours dragged on, and our anxiety grew, fueled by our frustration at not understanding the nature of her ailment.

The bond that held us together was one of deep love and friendship, and it was this bond that made Yvaine's condition all the more agonizing for us to bear. Each passing minute felt like an eternity, and the sense of helplessness hung over us like a dark cloud, suffocating us with a growing sense of despair.

Each day that past only intensified our anguish. We would go and visit her and try to speak with her unsure if she could even hear us. Sebastian and I would take turns being with her alone and then both of us would talk with her about the past adventures and time at Hogwarts. Anything to steer away from the fact that she could be lost to us forever.

I would live with the regret of never fully being with her and yet I would still be happy that we still got to experience the sliver of a happiness and intimacy that we had experienced. She was... is a breath of fresh air that I desperately needed when I was choking on the torture that was my life.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now