Chapter 2

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Katniss pov.

It's only been a few hours since I found out Prim died. But it feels like years. I feel numb. I want to scream. I want to cry I want to wail but nothing comes. The door bursts open it's my mom. “Katniss”, she says. Frantically. “They were searching for survivors of the bombing and they found Prim” “She's alive”, “ She's been taken to the hospital” My mouth drops in shock. My mind tells me it can't be true. 

Mom and I rush to the hospital. And I run to the lady at the front desk. “Is Primrose Everdeen here”, Before she can answer the doors burst open. I turn to see a swarm of doctors surrounding someone on a stretcher. Then it hits me “PRIM”! I try to reach her but someone holds me back. I turn to see Haymitch. I look back and see Prim with an oxygen mask on her face and someone pumping air in her lungs. They rush past us not even acknowledging us. 

We follow them, my heart pumping so hard I feel like it's gonna fall out of my chest. We get there and I see Prim's face for the first time. She looks dead so pale and lifeless. Not to mention the large amount of burns on her body. The doctors surround her and I hear them shouting things at each other but I can only make out a few words. "Blood loss"  "intubation" "cardiac arrest", that's when I notice one of them is pressing on her chest. The same way Finnick did with Peeta in the quell. “No”! I shout running towards her. But my path is blocked by a doctor. “I'm sorry”, he says putting his hands on my shoulders “You need to step outside” I feel arms wrap around my waist. I kick and fight to get free. But whoever it was manages to drag me outside. It was Haymitch who dragged me out. I want to say something spiteful to him. But nothing comes to mind. The only thing I can focus on is Prim. I watch through the windows as the doctors place a tube down her throat.

If Prim had lived.Where stories live. Discover now