Chapter 15

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Katniss Pov.

Today is Prim's 15th birthday and Peeta and I woke up extra early to make her a special birthday breakfast, her favorite chocolate chip pancakes, I can't believe my little duck is turning 15 it's a birthday I was afraid neither of us would live to see. We hear Prim's door open, and Prim's comes in still wearing her pajamas. "Hey, birthday girl!" I say, coming over and giving her a hug." "Thanks Kat" She says. "Happy birthday, Primmy," Peeta says, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, She smiles and thanks him. "We made you a special breakfast" I say, "Your favorite chocolate chip pancakes" "Aw" Prim says "You guys didn't have to do that" "Wait" She says "Who made them" "I did" Peeta says with a chuckle. "Well, okay then" She says digging in. "Hey" I say "I'm not that bad of a cook" "Katniss" Prim says "After you cook a chicken it shouldn't still have feathers on it" "Oh shut up" I laugh hitting her playfully on the arm. "Okay" I say "Mom will be here this afternoon" "Mom's coming" Prim asks her face lighting up, "Yeah" I say smiling at her.

"Mom" here yet? Prim asks a few hours later, "Not yet Little duck" I say. "When is she gonna come. Prim asks. "Pretty soon," I say, ruffling her hair. Five minutes later there's a knock at the door. I open and see my mother standing in the door way holding a gift bag in one hand and a suite case in another. "Hi mom" "Hello Katniss" We hug and I lead her inside "Mom!" Prim says happily. "Hi baby!" Mom says coming over to give Prim a big hug. "Hello, Mrs Everdeen," Peeta says. "Peeta" mom says "Call me Claira" Peeta smiles and nods. "Alright" Peeta says. "Cake is ready, and so are the presents" We head into the kitchen to see the cake Peeta made. It's beautiful. It's a layer cake with white frosting and Primrose Flowers decorated on it. "Peeta" Prim says "This is great, thank you" "You're very welcome, Prim," Peeta says, smiling at her. I light the candles, and we sing Prim Happy Birthday. "Okay," mom says. "Make a wish, and blow out your candles" We clap as Prim blows out her candles. "What'd you wish for little duck?" I ask her. "Oh Katniss you know the rules if I tell you it won't come true" I chuckle and kiss her head. After cake is presents. "I'll go first" I say, I hand Prim a small box. She opens it to reveal a necklace with a Primrose on it. "This is beautiful, Katniss, thank you!"You're welcome, little duck." I say. I hand her a card she opens it and starts reading.

Dear Prim, as you know, we have both been through a lot in our lives. But I couldn't have gotten passed any of it without you there by my side. You were always there for me whenever I needed it. You've taught me so many things that I can't even begin to list them all. You're the most beautiful person I know. Everything you do you do for other people, yet You never seek appreciation or recognition. I may have hunted to keep us alive, but you're the one who kept this family together. And I'm so proud of the young woman you've become. Thank you for being you.

Love you forever, little duck

"Aw, thank you sissy" Prim says, wheeling herself over to me, giving me a hug.

"Sorry I didn't get you anything Prim" Peeta says. "Peeta, that cake was present enough. Don't worry about it," Prim says.

Mom is next she pulls out a large box. Prim opens it, and a huge smile spreads across her face. It's a white doctors coat and stethoscope. Mom Prim says this is "amazing, thank you." "You're welcome, baby," mom says as they hug. "You can wear it when we get back to district 4" This stops me in my tracks. "Wait what do you mean" "Well, Prims coming to live with me, of course. "No," I say. "That's not happening. "Katniss" mom says. "No", I say "You are not taking her from me!" "She belongs with her mother Katniss" mom says. "She belongs with the one who's actually taken care of her!" I say. "What do you know about taking care of a child?"! Mom says. I lose it. "Are you kidding me?!" I say. "I was the one who made sure she was fed made sure she was safe and had clean clothes" "I was the one who sang to her and held her when she cried! "How many times did she cry for you or beg you pay attention to her and hold her and you ignored her!" "If it wasn't for me, you both would've died a long time ago" "Guys" Peeta says "It's her birthday" "Actually" Prim says. "We've had cake and I opened my presents, I think we can call it a night" she rolls away to her room without saying a word and closes the door. "Are you two happy?" Peeta says giving us an angry look. "Prim deserves a good birthday with her family and you two couldn't put your differences aside for one day." He shakes his head at us and leaves the room. I give my mother an angry looking before stomping off to my room. 

Peeta pov
I knock on Prim's door. "Mom, Katniss I'm not really in the mood to talk" "It's me" I say I open the door and see her sitting on her bed. "I'm sorry" I say. "Don't be" she says "They've been fighting for years" "I just thought they'd be able to stop for just one day" "I know mom wants me to live with her and Katniss wants me to stay here. I don't know what to do"  "Hey" I say putting my hand on her shoulder "Don't worry about that" "This is your day"   Over the last several months Prim has become like a little sister to me, but she's also become a friend someone I can confide in when we were in 13 she was always there for me. She sat with me when I grieved for my family and was there with me through my flashbacks, she was kind understanding and compassionate and very patient, but she was also surprisingly stern and tough and times.  Even when I was I was being difficult combinative and sometimes cruel. 

Flashback district 13.

"Katniss and I in the cave, we kissed" I say. "Alright" Prim says "And is that a shiny memory or a non-shiny memory" "Non shiny" I say.  'Good" she says with a smile. "No wait" I say. "She tried to strangle me in that cave, I remember" "That mutt tried to kill me!" I scream.  A few men rush in but Prim stops them.  "Peeta" she says calmy but firmly "She didn't try to strangle you, she's never tried to hurt you" "That isn't real" "NO!" I scream not wanting to listen. "She did!" She's a mutt a filthy mutt!"  "She'll kill you she'll kill everyone!" She's nothing but a disgusting mutt! "And you're an idiot if you believe any differently!" I scream at her.  As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret them.  "Are you done?" Prim asks me.  "I'm sorry Prim" I say " I didn't mean it"  "I hate this!"  "I just wanna be me again!"  I say starting to cry. "That can only happen if you keep trying" she says.  "If you wanna even come close to being the way you were before then you're gonna have to put in the work" "Will you help me" I ask "Yes" she says. "But you have to listen to us, if you're not willing to listen to us then we can't help you" I nod.  She pats me on the shoulder "Alright" She says "I think you've had enough for today"  She helps me stand and I walk over to the bed, and she straps me in. She turns to leave. "Prim" She turns around "Yeah?" "Thanks" I say She smiles at me before closing the door and walking out. 

It was two weeks later that the war ended, and I remember waking up in the hospital to worried sick about Katniss. "She's fine" Haymitch says. "She suffered some injuries but nothing serious" "But Prim" "Prim was with the medics when the second round of bombs went off" "No" I say "She's not" "No Haymitch " Says " She's not dead "They thought she was" "But she suffered serious burns and other serious injuries, she's in a coma on life support and the doctors don't know if she's gonna make it" "Katniss is a wrecK"

End of flashback. 

There's a knock on the door 

"Come in" Prim says. the door opens and Katniss and Claira walk in. "Hey little duck" Katniss says. "We're so sorry for what happened earlier, we didn't mean to ruin your birthday" "Yeah" Claira says "And if you still want, we'd love to have a special birthday dinner with you"  Prim smiles "I'd like that" She says. 

Katniss pov. 

"Thanks for a great birthday" Katniss" Prim says as I tuck her into bed, "You're very welcome little duck, I love you and I'm always happy to celebrate you" "And again I'm sorry about, what happened earlier with me and mom" "I know" She says. "Don't worry about it"  "Well good some sleep" I say I kiss her cheek. 

Claira Everdeen pov.

Seeing Katniss tuck Prim in reminds of all the times I didn't do that; the truth is Katniss has been Prim's mom for a long time.  She was the mother that Prim needed I neglected my children and I'll always regret that. I walk into Prim's room and kiss her cheek. "Goodnight baby" I say. "Night mom" she says.  

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