Chapter 14

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Prim pov

Katniss called and told me that Peeta was gonna be fine, I'm glad to hear that, Peeta's become like a brother to me, and I'd hate for anything to happen to him. She told me he'd be released tomorrow. "You need any help," Haymitch asks. I shake my head. "No, I got I push myself out of my chair and into my bed. "Alright" he says well "I'll be out in the living room if you need me" I give him a look "It's 4 am you should go home and get some sleep" "You think your sister would let me live if I left you here alone?" I chuckle. "I'll be fine," I say. "If she gives you any trouble, just tell her I said it was okay. I can tell he wants to argue further, but I don't let him. "I'll be fine," I say. "Alright," he says. "Well, you know my number," he leaves, and I breathe a sigh of relief.  Things are a bit awkward between me and Haymitch because we don't really know each other. I lay down and fall asleep.

Katniss pov
I wake up in Peeta's arms with the sun shining through the window. I move out of his arms, trying to not wake him I walk into the bathroom when I finish I walk out and see Peeta standing up gripping the side of the bed. Oh no, he's having a flashback. "Peeta," I say cautiously. He turns to look at me, and his eyes are completely black. "Mutt," He says with hatred. "You're a fucking mutt!" "You killed my family, you tried to kill me!" "No Peeta, not real" "I would never hurt you" "Liar!" He shouts shoving me against the wall. "You're a disgusting ugly mutt and you deserve to die!" I feel tears streaming down my face. I know he doesn't mean it but it still hurts. "You tried to kill Prim!" "She's paralyzed because of you!" "No I would never hurt Prim I love her more than anything, Peeta, please!" I do the one thing I can think of I kiss him. He tenses and then relaxes he pulls away. "Katniss?" "Are you alright?"I'm so sorry!"It's okay, Peeta," I say, hugging him. "It's not your fault"

We arrive home and Peeta and Prim greet each other and Peeta thanks her for helping him before Peeta goes into the bedroom.  "He had a flashback" I whisper to Prim. "It's the first one he's had since he's been back" "Did he try to hurt you" Prim asks. I nod "But he came out of it before he did" I sit down on the couch and she rolls over and sits next to me. "I don't know how to handle it" I say. "Well" She says. "You know it's not really him saying those things, it's like an evil twin" "The real Peeta would never hurt you" "I know" I say. "But the worst part is I can't deny some of what he says, 12 was bombed because of me, his family died in that bombing" "You were paralyzed, because of me" "That's not true" she says. "Stop blaming yourself for that, I don't blame you Peeta doesn't blame you, nobody here blames you" "How do I deal with this?" I ask her. "Snow and Coin are gone but I still don't feel like it's over" She ponders this for a moment. "You'll always have those bad memories, those will stay with you for the rest of your life, you know that" "But that's all they are, are memories" "You have to let past  be the past, Snow and Coin are gone they don't matter anymore" "All that matters is how you want to live, you can either let those bad memories define you, or you can live in spite of all of that" "How'd you get to be so smart" I ask her brushing her hair back. "Well one of us should be" she says with a smirk. I laugh and smack her in the arm "rude".

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