Part 3

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Katniss pov

My mother and I sit in the hospital waiting room. My leg shakes nervously, and my hands grip the arms of my chair so hard my knuckles are turning white. "Katniss" "Mrs. Everdeen, "mom and I turn to see a doctor approaching us. We stand and practically run to her. "How's Prim?"I ask. "As you know, when Prim was brought in, her condition was very serious." "When the rescuers found her, she was just barely alive. She has several broken ribs from the impact. She also has a ruptured spleen and a collapsed lung. 50% of her body is covered in both 2nd3rd-degree burns. She inhaled a lot of smoke, which caused even greater damage to her lungs. " Her heart has stopped twice, but we managed to get it started with CPR and by shocking her heart with the paddles. "But her heart is really weak now." "All in all, she's in a very critical condition.''''Will she make it?" I ask with my throat tight. "We don't know, the doctor says." "The next few days are really crucial." "Can we see her' ', mom asks. The doctor nods her head." Of course," "I'll take you up. She leads to the intensive care unit and room 1430. She opens the door, and I feel my breath being sucked out of me. Prim. Parts of her blonde hair have been burnt off. Her arms are covered in bandages, and I can see bandages underneath her hospital gown. She has a breathing tube attached to her face. "She's been put into a medically induced coma to keep her from feeling too much pain and to give her body a better chance to recover," the doctor says. "She's been reacting to outside stimulus, so we think it's possible that she can hear you." Suddenly, my emotions overcome me, and I'm on the floor sobbing my eyes out. But not for long because Haymitch pulls me up and out into the hall. "Look, sweetheart," he says. "You need to pull yourself together. You know what the doctor said Prim can still hear you and she needs you to be strong for her" "If you act like it's over, she will too" I nod knowing that Haymitch is right.

We walk back into Prim's room. Mom is there holding Prim's hand. I approach her and kiss her forehead before sitting on her other side, holding her other hand. "Hey, little duck," I whisper. "You're gonna be okay." "I know you are, You're just as strong as I am. Probably stronger even ''You have to be okay I need you we all need you. "

I need to see Snow. He's being held in the garden of his mansion. "Sorry, miss can't let you in," one of the guards says as I approach the gate. "Let her in," Paylor says. "On my authority, she has a right to anything behind that door. The guard opens the door, and I walk in. There are white roses bushes everywhere. I pick one to put on his body when he dies. "That's a nice one." I turn to see Snow emerging from around the corner. "Though colors are lovely, nothing says perfection like a white." he sits down on a bench. "I was hoping you would find your way to my quarters." "But I have a feeling your visit will be brief. "First let me start by saying how very sorry I am about your sister you must be so devastated about losing her" "She's alive", I say "in the hospital" he looks surprised "Well", he says " I must concede it was a masterful move on Coin's part" "releasing those parachutes to make it seem as though I was bombing our own helpless children" "You released those parachutes", I say. He smiles. " Do you really think I gave the order?" "We both know I'm not above killing children, but I'm not wasteful. I take lives for specific reasons, and there was no reason for me to destroy a pin full of Capitol children. " He's interrupted by a hacking cough. "I'm sure she wasn't aiming for your sister, but these things happen in war." "I don't believe you," I say. He smirks. " Oh my dear Mrs. Everdeen, I thought we'd agreed never to lie to each other.

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