Chapter 5

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Katniss pov

We arrive at the mansion, and I'm led to a room where I'm greeted by Coin and the other victors. "What's this?" the remaining victors, "Coin says."Will you join us? " I take a seat next to Peeta, and Haymitch and Coin begin talking. "I have invited you all here for several reasons but first let me start by announcing that I have taken the honor and the burden of declaring myself interim president of Panem" Haymitch scoffs "How long is that exactly interim" "We have no way of knowing for certain" Coin answers " But it's clear the people are too emotional right now to make a rational decision we'll plan for an election when the time is right" "But I have called you all here for a more important reason". " In a few days, we will execute Snow hundreds of his accomplices also await their deaths Capitol officials, peacekeepers torturers game makers" "But the problem is once we start calling for retribution the thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy" So what I propose is this the majority for may approve no one may change their vote what I propose is this we hold a symbolic hunger game" There's silence in the room before I hear Johanna snicker "You wanna have another hunger games with Capitals children"? "You're joking," Peeta says. Coin shakes her head. "Not in the slightest." "Was this Plutarch's idea?" Haymitch questioned. "No," Coin says, "it was mine, "it balances the need for loss with the least of human life. You may cast your votes. " "No," Peeta says, speaking up instantly. "Absolutely not this is crazy." "Well," Johanna says, "I think it's more than fair. Snow has a granddaughter," I say yes."So do I," Enaboria says, "let them have a taste of it." "Guys," Peeta says, " this way of thinking is what started these uprisings." "I vote no," Annie says. "And Finnick would too if he were here."Well, he isn't," Johanna points out bluntly. " Because Snow killed him" "No," Beetee says "It's time to seeing each other as enemies" Coin nods "it's down to Katniss and Haymitch" I look at Coin for several seconds she's the reason my sister is lying in a hospital bed in a coma fighting for her life. "I get to kill Snow," I say. Coin smirks. "I expected no less of you." "Then I vote yes," for Prim. Colin nods and turns to Haymitch to ask him for his vote. He looks at me, then back at Coin. " I'm with the Mockingjay." "Very well," Coin says. "Snow's execution is set to happen at noon this Thursday. We'll announce the games then"

I'm taken back to the hospital to be with Prim my mom was there but she had to leave to take care of a patient I stare at her through the glass window I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn to see Haymitch standing behind me "You okay sweetheart" "I want her off those machines", I say "I know" Haymitch says putting his arm around me. "But she's on them so she can get better. She's a fighter. She's strong like you."
"No", I say "Prim is much stronger than I am" And it was true Prim was always the stronger one out of the two of us, never afraid to live life or be who she really was, never afraid to follow her dreams she risked her life to save the lives of others. She's the strongest and bravest person I know.

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