Chapter 6

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I open the door to Prim's room and sit in the chair next to her bed, taking her hand in both of mine. It's surprisingly cold. The doctor comes in a few seconds later. "She's doing better," he says. " Not as well as we would like her to be doing but she's not as bad as before, she's been taken off the sedative and now it's up to her to wake up" "Will she be in any pain when she does," I ask. The doctor nods "she might feel some discomfort, after all, she suffered from severe burns and some broken bones and there's also still a risk for infection honestly we're still not 100% sure she'll make it" He walks out leaving me alone with Prim. "You were so brave, little duck, and I'm so proud of you, " "Please don't leave me." I rest my head on the side of her bed and close my eyes.

Hours later
I jolt awake when I feel a squeeze on my hand, “Prim”? I watch in awe as Prim’s eyes start to flutter and open, she blinks up at the ceiling for a few seconds, before they focus on me,  “Welcome back little duck”, I say kissing her forehead. She tries to speak, but I stop her, “Shhh Prim, don’t try to talk, you’ve got a tube in your throat helping you breathe. She signals that she wants to write. I look around the room, and eventually, I find a piece of scrap paper and a pen.   I love you” She writes, tears start falling down my face but this time, it’s happy tears, “I love you too little duck” I say kissing her head, she writes again, “Where’s mom?” “She’s working. Do you want me to get her” Prim nods, and I leave the room to get my mother. As soon as mom hears Prim is awake, she motions for a doctor to come with us, and we rush back to Prim’s room, “Baby!” Mom says, coming over to give Prim a kiss on the cheek,  Prim writes, "Hi mom” on her paper. The doctor starts to examine her, he asks Prim questions like if she knows where she is and why she’s there, Prim nods because she can’t speak, she then motions that she wants the tube taken out of her throat, the doctor decides it’s time and calls some nurses in they slowly remove the tube from her throat causing her to let out a few weak coughs,  “Feel better” I ask her, she nods, “Oh Prim”, I cry “I thought I was gonna lose you”  “I’m right here” She says in a raspy voice, squeezing my hand, “I’m not going anywhere”  “How do you feel”, I ask her,  “Katniss”, she says, “Yeah” “I can’t move my legs”

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