Chapter 13

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One week later

Katniss pov.
"It is not," I hear Peeta say as I walk downstairs. "Yes, it is," Prim says. "Prim cookie dough is not better as dough. The whole point is to cook it."No, it's better as dough," Prim says. I can't help but laugh at their debate. "You guys are crazy," I say. With a smirk. Peeta comes over and wraps his arms around my mid section. "Hey, beautiful," He says. "Hey," I say with a smile. He kisses my neck. "Guys," Prim says. "If you don't mind, I'm trying to keep my breakfast down." We pull apart and laugh at her.  We sit down and discuss what we're going to do today.  "I think 'I'm gonna stop my med training," Prim says.  "Why?!" I ask, shocked. "I don't know, I mean I'm in a wheelchair now, so that makes it kinda tough," Prim says, looking down at her plate. "Hey," Peeta says. "Don't sell yourself short, I have a fake leg, but I don't let that stop me" "You can still walk though" Prim says. "It'll be kinda hard to perform surgery on someone when I can't reach the table."Hey," I say, putting my hand on hers. "Remember what the doctors said?"You might not be paralyzed forever. You could walk again someday. " "Yeah, " Prim says. "But they also said it's not likely"  "I would love to be able to walk again more than you know, but I've expected that it probably won't happen and I've made my peace with it."I could've died, should've died, and I didn't, I'm here alive, and that's enough right now."

I'm lying it's not enough. I want so bad to be able to walk again, but I also know the odds of that happening are almost zero. So why bother crying about it? I do my physical therapy every day, hoping it'll make some kind of difference but also knowing it probably won't. And that's all I can do.

Later that night.

Katniss pov
I wake up to the sound of moaning. I turn on my lamp to see Peeta in a fetal position, holding his side. "Peeta?" I ask, worried. "Hurts," he mutters. I feel his forehead, and he's burning up. I jump out of bed and run to the best doctor I know. I open Prim's door and shake her shoulder. "Prim, wake up!" I say not bothering to be gentle. "What's wrong?" she asks, concerned. "It's Peeta," I say. "Somethings wrong." I push her wheelchair over to her bed, and she pulls herself into it, and I roll her to our room. Peeta is still on his side, groaning in pain. Prim rolls over to him. "It hurts," he says. "What does?" Prim asks. "My side and my stomach."Roll over on your back," Prim says. She's no longer the almost 15 year old girl. I know she's gone into full doctor mode. Peeta rolls over on his back, and Prim starts to examine him. "Does this hurt?" She asks, pressing on his stomach. Peeta shakes his head no. So Prim moves down to his lower stomach and presses down, causing him to wince in pain. "What's wrong with him?" I ask, scared. "I think he's having an appendicitis," she says, not looking in my direction. Her full focus being on her paient. "Call Haymitch. We need to get him to a hospital. "  I pick up the phone and deal Haymitch's number. "Hello?" He answers in a slurred voice. "Haymitch, it's Peeta he's sick he needs to go to the hospital."I'll be right there, sweetheart," He says, hanging up. Minutes later, the front door opens, and Haymitch calls out for us. "In here!" I shout he comes into the room. "Can you stand?" Prim asks him. "I don't know," Peeta says. Haymitch and I help Peeta to his feet, and we help him walk down the stairs and outside. "Where's the nearest hospital?" I ask. "Just down the road, I think," Prim says. Of course she would know. She wheels herself alongside us so she can assess Peeta's condition. We arrive at the hospital it's small but it's the first proper hospital that 12 has had. "He needs help!" I shout. When we come through the doors. A doctor comes out and calls for a stretcher. They put Peeta on it and wheel him to the O.R. I try to follow but they don't let me. I sit down and start crying. What if I lose him, I just got him back. Prim and Haymitch sit next to me and try to comfort me. "What if he dies!" I sob. "Katniss" Prim says "This is a very common condition they're just gonna remove his appendix it's a common procedure that they do 100 tines a day and we caught it early so he has a good chance" I nod and wipe my tears away.

3 hours.

I sit with my head on Prim's shoulder. When a doctor approaches us. "How is he?" I ask eagerly. "He'll be just fine, it was an appendicitis, but we caught it in time and got it removed, and he should make a full recovery. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. "You can come see him if you want," the doctor says. He leads us to his room and walks away. I open the door and run to Peeta's bed. He smiles when he sees us. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "Better," he says. "Thank you," Peeta says to us. "You all saved me."  "I didn't do anything," Prim says. "You knew what it was," I say. "I would've been helpless without you, Little duck." I kiss her head. I can tell she's tired. I don't blame her. It's now 4: am. "Haymitch," I say. "Can you take Prim home so she can get some rest?" I'm not keen on Prim being home alone. Call me overprotective if you want, but she needs a place to sleep, and I want to be alone with Peeta. Haymitch nods "Sure sweetheart" I lean down and give Prim a hug. "See you tomorrow, Prim, I love you."Love you too," she says. "Bye, Peeta," Prim says. "Bye Prim, sleep good." Haymitch bids us goodbye and wheels Prim out of the room and takes her home. Peeta scoots over and pats the spot next to him. I lay down, and he wraps his arms around me. "I was so scared," I say. "I thought I was gonna lose you." "I'm not going anywhere," He says, holding me a little tighter. "Stay with me" I say. "Always" he says kissing me.

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