Chaper 7

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Katniss pov
We did some tests, Dr Patten said, "and unfortunately we found when she was thrown back from the bomb in addition to suffering third degree burns and all of her other injuries there was also severe damage to her spine, she's paralyzed from the waste down"  "Is it permanent", I ask my throat tight. "We aren't sure" Patten says, "But most likely" "Oh, my God", My mom says" I stand there speechless, my little sister almost died and now she'll never walk again and it's all because of Coin, I know what I have to do.

Prim pov
The doctors told me I'm lucky to be alive, but they also told me I'd likely never walk again, I found out that during the execution that Katniss shot Coin instead of Snow and Snow was killed by the crowd. "Hey" I look up to see Rory standing at my door, "Hey", I say "Come in" he comes and sits at the edge of my bed, "What's going on" I ask. "I thought you were gonna die," he whispers, "What?"I thought I was gonna lose you, "I thought I wasn't gonna get the chance to tell you. " "Tell me what?" I ask, confused. He takes a deep breath and says three words, "I love you."  He leans over and presses his lips against mine, and I instantly kiss him back.

Katniss pov
Commander Paylor sentenced me exiled back to 12, "Wait, Katniss" Effie says "Someone wants to go with you" I turn to see Prim in her wheelchair being pushed by Haymitch, her hair has grown a bit and she looks much better than she did just a week ago when she was at death's door. I kneel in front of her, and she smiles at me, I pull her into a hug, breathing in her scent. The doctors wanted her to stay in 13 for additional physical therapy but she decided she'd rather go home so they gave her some exercises that she can do at home to help her adapt to her new life in a wheelchair. "Let's go home," she says. I nod and smile at her.

In the weeks that follow my days are filled taking care of Prim and helping her adjust to life in a wheelchair, I've been told that Peeta is receiving treatment for his hijacking, I miss him so much but having Prim around makes it so much better if Prim died I don’t know what I’d do I’d probably end up falling into the same depression my mother did when my dad died. But I can’t do that because she needs me just as much as I need her. “Ready for bed, little duck” I ask her. She nods with a yawn, I push her chair into her room and help her into her pajamas. Once I then lift her up “Okay there you go” I say covering her up with a blanket. She smiles at me, but I can tell something’s bothering her. “What’s wrong?” I ask. “I’m sorry you have to do all this for me Katniss” she says, almost sounding ashamed. “Hey, don’t you ever say that again” I say “I almost lost you , I would gladly take care of you for 100 years, you’re not a burden Prim don’t ever think that you are”  “Get some sleep” I say kissing her head.

If Prim had lived.Where stories live. Discover now