Chapter 11

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Prim pov

I listen as Katniss chews Gale out for his part in the bombing part of me thinks she's being unfair but another part of me agrees with her, if it wasn't for Gale and Beetee's bomb I wouldn't be stuck in this wheelchair. But I've forgiven him because it doesn't help to stay angry. After Gale leaves Katniss stands there for a moment breathing heavily, she sits down on the couch and I roll over to her, "Katniss, you okay" "I'm fine" she says I smirk "Katniss, you're a terrible liar and you suck at hiding your emotions" She chuckles. "I just...I just can't believe that he would show his face here after everything he's done, he hurt me, he hurt you I know he didn't mean too" "But he did. "And he never even apologized to you for it, he never came to see you in the hospital" I sigh "Actually Katniss" He did, "What do you mean?" She asks. "While I was in my coma, I could hear people talking to me, I heard you mom and Gale came in to see me one day, I remember him holding my hand and telling me how sorry he was, I could hear in his voice how broken up he was over it"

"Prim" she asks "what were you doing in the Capital" I take a breath before telling her what happened. "While you were gone, I kept training to be a doctor and then coin asked to speak to me in command I had no idea why I was wanted there when I got there she told me that I had completed my medic training and I would be going to the Capital to work as a field medic" "I thought you were training to be a doctor" She says confused. "So, did I" I say "I thought I'd be helping people in 13 not going out. "But obviously I had to go, I couldn't say no" "It wasn't until later that I found out what she was really planning, I know she was trying to kill me."  "So I wasn't that devastated when you shot her" I say and we laugh.   "And far as Gale goes, I say "Go easy on him, because I can pretty much guarantee he's probably beating himself up enough for both of you."    "I'm just not ready to talk to him" she says. "And that's fine, " I say "I'm not saying you have to talk to him today or tomorrow or even next week however long you need is fine, but also take into consideration that he was lied to just like the rest of us Coin lied to all of us not just you."  "How can you forgive him so easily" She asks me. I shake my head, "I can forgive him but trust me it's not easy, every time I see this chair I'm reminded of what I've lost and the fact that it was his bomb that caused it, it was really hard in the beginning not being able to do the things I could before having to have help with the most basic things, and I was mad at him to for a while but then I realized that it doesn't do any good, he can't take it back and I know he would if he could I also know that he'd never intentionally hurt me, besides I think you and I both know that life is too short to stay mad for too long"   "How do you deal with it?" she asks. I smile. "I guess it helps that the doctor says that my paralysis might not be permanent, so I just hold onto that  I have faith that one day I'll be able to walk again" "And also one very important thing,  I have no choice" 

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