Chapter 16

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Katniss pov

I wake up and look over at the clock, 4 am. weird. I never get up this early unless I have a nightmare. I look over at Peeta to see he's still sleeping. I quietly get of bed careful not to wake him up. And walk into the kitchen. "Mom?" I ask surprised to see her awake and sitting at the kitchen table. She looks up at me. "Hi Katniss" she says. She takes a sip from her mug, and I sit across from her. "What's going on" I ask. She looks down at her mug. "When I came here, I had every intention of bringing Prim back with me, because I thought she belonged with her mother, but it's clear who'd she'd rather be with, and I know that's my fault" she says getting teary eyed. "I wasn't there for you girls like I should've been, I was too lost in my grief after your dad died and I forced you to grow up too quickly" "I think Prim sees you as a mom more than she does me" "That's not true," I say. "Prim loves you, she lit up when she saw you and she was looking forward to seeing you, but this is her home" "I know" mom says. "And I can't take that from her"  

The next morning mom has gets called for an emergency at work, so she has to leave tells Prim that she doesn't have to go with her, "But you're coming to visit me for the summer" Prim nods with a big smile. "I love you mom" she says. "I love you too" Mom says bending down to give Prim a hug.  I pull mom into a hug and tell her I love her. She says it back and then gives Peeta a hug. After mom leaves, I look over to see Prim has a sad look on her face. "What's wrong Little duck" I ask her. "I wish mom could've stayed longer" She says. "I know" I say "but she'll be back to visit again soon" 

one month later

Peeta pov, 

Today Katniss and I are going on a picnic in the meadow, but this isn't just any date, I'm going to ask her to marry me. I know we're young, but we've both been through so much and have earned the right to be happy and I can't imagine my life without her. The hijacking did nothing to change the way I feel about her, but I need to get Prim's approval first, I wouldn't feel right asking Katniss to marry me without her blessing. I go in the living room to find her sitting on the couch, watching TV her chair next to her, "Hey Prim, can I talk to you?"  "Sure, what's up" She says turning off the TV, "Well I'm taking Katniss to the meadow, and I was wondering, do you think she'd say yes if I asked her to marry me?" Prim's eyes widen and smile spreads across her face, "Of course, I think she'd say yes!" Prim says "She's crazy about you"  I smile "But there's something else I need to ask you" "I've known for a long time that you and Katniss are a package deal, and I wouldn't feel right asking her, without asking you first so Prim, I would like your permission to ask for your sister's hand in marriage"   "Yes" Prim says "Yes you more than have my permission"    I get down on one knee, "Peeta" Prim says "What are you doing?" "Primrose Everdeen" I say jokingly.  "Will you be my sister-in-law?"  Prim laughs, "Yes, you weirdo"  I laugh and stand up and give her a hug. Katniss comes out five minutes later, wearing yellow sun dress her long dark hair curled and cascading down her back. She looks beautiful. She comes over and kisses me and I wrap my arms around her, "See you later, Little duck" she says. Prim waves and we leave closing the door behind us. Suddenly a rush of panic floods over me, "Wait" I say "I forgot something I'll be back" I run back inside to a surprised Prim. "I can't do it" I say.  "What?" She asks. "I can't propose, "What do you mean" She asks. I run my hand through my hair" I just can't I'm too scared" "Peeta" Prim says. "You've survived two hunger games, a war the Capital if anyone can overcome their fears it's you" "And surprisingly this is scarier than all of that" "What if she says no" "She won't" Prim says. "Because she loves you just as much as you love her" I've seen how happy you make her, you guys are perfect for each other, and if she doesn't say yes, this time, then she'll say it another time, but you won't get any answer if you don't try" "Now" She says "Go back out there and take your future wife on a Picinic.  "Okay" I say. I go back outside, "You alright" Katniss asks. "Yeah" I say. I take her hand and take the picnic basket from her. 

Katniss pov.

I can tell Peeta's planning something, but I don't know what. We've finished eating and are just lying in each other's arms in the flowers, "We should get back" I say, "It's getting late" "Yeah" he says as we stand up "But before we do" "I have something to ask you. He gets down on one knee and my heart begins to pound. "Katniss, I've loved you since we were five, you're the bravest kindest and most amazing woman I know, you've saved my life so many times and I can't imagine, my life without you in it, he pulls out a small box will you marry me?" I stand there speechless for a second. "Katniss?" He asks.  "Yes" Peeta I say starting to cry, "Yes I'll marry you" He stands up and kisses me and then puts the ring on my finger. And I notice it's made of the pearl that he gave me in the arena with the word "Always" engraved on it.  When we get home, I run to Prim who's still sitting on the couch and show her the ring, "Congratulations!" She says. "Now was that so hard?" She says to Peeta. "You knew?" I ask surprised. "I wanted to get her permission" Peeta says.   "I love you both so much" I say giving them each a hug. "So, when's the wedding" Prim asks. "We're not sure yet" Peeta says.  "We have to settle on a date, and then make the announcement" "Who will walk me down the aisle" I ask.  "Who do you want to walk you down the aisle" Peeta asks.  "I don't know" I say. "Someone I trust whose always been there" I look at Prim. "Prim, will you walk me down the aisle?"  "Katniss, I would love to walk you down the aisle" "But I can't actually walk so I'll have to wheel you down it" she says with a smirk. I laugh and give her another hug. I'm marrying Peeta, my sister's alive I couldn't ask for anything more. 

Prim pov

I wake up and stretch my arms over my head and run my hand through my messy hair. Then I suddenly feel something, a twitch from my foot, I throw the covers back in shock, and stare at my foot, after a few seconds of staring it moves again, "Holy" I say shocked. "KATNISS!"  I shout" "KATNISS PEETA GET IN HERE!"  They rush in my room with a look of concern and worry on their faces. "Prim" Katniss asks rushing over to me. "Are you alright" What happened?" "It moved" I say still in shock. "What moved" Peeta asks.  "My foot it moved!" "Are you sure?" Katniss asks me. "Yes!" I say "It did it twice" "I swear Katniss it moved" "Prim that's wonderful!" She says giving me a huge hug. "My paralysis isn't permanent, I'm going to be able to walk again, someday"  "I'm so happy for you" Prim Katniss says. giving me another hug. "This is amazing" Peeta says. "I'm happy for you, Primmy" he says. 

I still can't process it, I'm gonna walk again. 

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