Chapter 9

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Katniss pov

I come back from hunting and see someone I wasn't expecting. "Peeta?" He turns to look at me. "Hey," He says with a smile. "You came home," I say, shocked. "Yeah." Before I can stop myself, I run into his arms he holds me tightly, and I breathe in his scent.  "You wanna come inside?" I ask him. "I'd love to," He says.  "So how are you?" He asks. "How's Prim? "Someone call my name?" Prim says, coming out of the kitchen. "Oh, hey Peeta," She says. "What are you doing back?"  "I finished my treatment." He says, 'How are you? "How's the wheelchair? "It's been an adjustment," Prim says. "But it's going pretty well, Katniss has been very helpful."  "Well you look good," Peeta says. "You too," Prim says with a smile. Peeta then walks over and gives Prim a hug.

Peeta pov
Truthfully, I'm not sure yet how I feel about Katniss. My memories are mostly back to normal, but I'm still confused and conflicted on some things.  But regardless, I'm happy to be back.

I've been back for a few weeks now, and I've basically moved in with Katniss and Prim, and we've become like a little family. Katniss and I have grown back together helping each other through nightmares and flashbacks and helping Prim with her physical therapy. The sound of the doorbell interrupts my thoughts. "I got it" Katniss says, coming out of the kitchen.

Katniss pov
I open the door, and my heart stops when I see who it is. "Hey Catnip," Gale. I say shocked.

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