chapter 18

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Katniss pov
Today is the day I'm going to marry Peeta Mellark, I'm so happy yet so scared at the same time. What if I'm not a good wife? What if I disappoint him? "Katnis," Effie says. "Hold still, dear."Sorry Effie," I mumble as she straightens my hair. My prep team has already done my makeup, so Effie is styling my hair. There's a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Effie asks, worrying it'll be Peeta. "It's her mom," Mom says. "Come in," I say. Mom walks into the room "Hey" she says. "I wanted to give you something before everything started. She sits down next to me and pulls out an old but beautiful necklace. "This belonged to your grandmother, my mother she gave it to me on my wedding day, and I want to give it to you on yours" "Mom, I don't know what to say, thank you so much"  "You're welcome sweetie, I'm so proud of you and of the woman you became and your father would be too" "I love you mom" I say pulling her into a hug. "I love you too," she says.

"Hey," I say. "I appreciate everything you guys have done so far, but I need some time alone, so can you guys give me a minute?" Everyone nods and leaves. I sit at the edge of my bed and start to cry.

Prim pov
Everyone's been ready for a while, but there's no sign of Katniss. I wheel over to her room, and just as I'm about to knock on her door. I hear sniffling. She's crying. I open the door to see her still in her robe, sitting on her bed with tears running down her cheeks. "Hey," I say, rolling over to her, "Why all the tears?"I don't think I can go through with this Prim, " she says. "Oh no," I think to myself, "not her too." "Why?" I say, "I thought you loved him." "I do!" She's says quickly. "I love him more than anything and anyone, except you, of course, but I'm just scared. What if I'm not a good wife? What if something happens to me or him? I couldn't handle that. "Katniss, " I say. "All your life you've run from this because it scared you, but there's nothing for you to be afraid of."But what if he has a flashback? What if?" I cut her off. "You'll have challenges that other couples don't have, but other couples have challenges that you guys don't have, so it evens out," I say. "This country is a better place and people are happy and safe because of you, now it's your turn to be happy, this day isn't about Snow Coin or any of the bad things, there are no cameras, well there are cameras outside but there's no one left for you to please, now all that matters is what you want"  "Do you want this?" I ask her. "More than anything," she says. "Then let yourself have it," I say. "And just so you know you're not the only one who's scared, Peeta is too. "He is," she asks, shocked. I nod. "He got scared to propose and ran back inside, I had to give him a pep talk too. Honestly, it's amazing that you two ever got along without me." She laughs.  "Thanks, Prim," she says, hugging me. "I love you, little duck," She whispers in my ear. "I love you too," I say. "Now," I say, pulling back. "Put on your wedding dress and go make Peeta the luckiest man on Earth." She nods and wipes her tears. "I'll be outside," I say. I leave and close the door behind me, "These two I swear," I mutter under my breath. There's something I didn't tell Katniss I've been working really hard on my physical therapy and am planning on surprising her by walking her down the aisle properly.

Katniss pov
After Prim's talk, I feel a lot better, I put on my wedding dress and walk outside to see everyone waiting and Peeta standing at the altar. He looks so handsome, and I still can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with him. " "You ready? " Prim asks. I nod."Yeah, I'm ready." What she does next shocks me. She puts her hands on the handles of her wheelchair and pushes herself up.
I cover my mouth with my hand and hold back a sob at the sight of seeing my little sister standing. Mom hands her a cane. "Shall we?" She asks with a smile holding out her arm. I happily take her arm, and we begin to slowly walk down the aisle. On the way, I start to shake. "Relax," Prim says. "Take a deep breath. You're not heading to the gas chamber, you know. " I chuckle,  Prim can't walk very fast, so it takes us longer to get down the aisle, "We'll get down there eventually, " Prim says jokingly, earning a laugh from me and the guests. We reach the alar, and Prim hands me off to Peeta, who looks just shocked as me to see Prim walking again. He gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  "She's your problem now," Prim says with a smirk. "Oh no," Peeta says. "She's OUR problem." "Guys,"  I say, laughing. "I'm standing right here." They laugh, and Prim goes to stand beside me. Peeta and I join hands as the preacher begins to speak "We gather together on this beautiful day to witness the union of these two beautiful people, Katniss and Peeta have written the own values and would like to present them to each other.

Peeta pulls out a sheet of paper
"Katniss, you are the kindest and bravest human being I've ever met, you sacrifice so much for the people you love and saved my life on more ways than one, I promise to always stand by you and be the man you deserve and show everyday how much I love you"

I wipe the tears from my eyes and start to read my own vowels. "Peeta all my life I never thought that I would find love, never thought I wanted it but you showed me that not only did I want it but I deserved it, you are the most compassionate and bravest man I know, you make me feel like I can do and be anything" "I promise to love and support you and to stand by you through your successes and your struggles, I promise to take this journey with you and to stay with you always"

Prim hands us the rings, and we take each other's hands again. The preacher speaks again.

"Do you Peeta Ryan Mellark take Katniss Elizabeth Everdeen to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do, " he says, putting the ring on my finger.

And do you Katniss Elizabeth Everdeen, take Peeta Ryan Mellark to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do, " I say, putting the ring on his finger. We do the bread toasting. Prim, being the witness, takes the first bite, then hands it off to Peeta and then me. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the preacher says. Peeta cups my face in his hands, and we share our first kiss as husband and wife. "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Mellark!" The crowd stands and starts to clap and cheer as we walk down the aisle.

We have the reception a few people give speeches and toasts. Haymitch dances with me in place of the father daughter dance, and mom dances with Peeta for the mother son dance. I couldn't be happier.

"Hey Catnip,"

Wedding guest list

Prim made of honor and witness.

Brides maide
Annie, Johanna Cressida
Best man, Haymitch. Claira Everdeen and whole bunch of other people.

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