Chapter 12

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Prim pov.
“I sit behind the desk of the studying reading through one of my medical books. I was given the chance to complete my studies and become a real doctor, and of course, I jumped at the chance. Hey Prim”, Katniss says, coming into the study “Peeta and I are gonna be outsude if you need us” “Okay”, I say, smiling at her. “I won’t be studying much longer, maybe another 30 minutes” She nods “Don’t work too hard”, she closes the door, and I get back to work. I finished reading a chapter. I then realized that one of the books I need is on the bookshelf on the other side of the room on a higher shelf.   fantastic. “Katniss”, I call “Katniss” No answer. I roll my way over to the shelf and try to reach for the book. I can’t I slowly start to push myself up. Luckily, my physical therapy has helped with my upper body strength. But just as I’m about to reach it, I lose my balance and topple onto the ground with a crash.

Katniss pov
"Katniss" Peeta says nervously. "I like you" "I like you too" I say. "We'll you be my girlfriend?" He asks hopefully. I smile and say, "I would love to be your girlfriend." He smiles and pulls me into a kiss we wrap our arms around each other when a loud crash startles us apart. “What was that?” Peeta asks. “Prim?” I call racing into the house and into the study I open the door to the study to see Prim on the floor and her wheelchair laying on its side. “Prim are you alright?” I asked, rushing over to her. “I’m fine,” she says “I just fell over” “Why didn’t you ask me to come help you”, I say as Peeta helps her back into her chair “I did”, she says “I called twice but you didn’t hear me” “Oh Prim”, I say “I’m so sorry “It’s okay,” she says. But it’s not I was too wrapped up in making out with Peeta that I didn’t notice that Prim needed me there is no excuse for that.  She won’t say it, I know her situation frustrates her I know she doesn’t like to ask for help to do basic things like getting around or reach for a book on a bookshelf I give her a hug and she hugs me back. "It's really okay" Katniss she says as we pull back. "You fell and it's all my fault I should've been here" I say shamefully. "Oh come on now Kat" She says rolling her eyes. "It's not ALL your fault I was a clutz before I ended up in this chair so I probably would've fallen anyway" She says with a smirk. I laugh and kiss her forehead. "You sure you're okay" Peeta asks. "I'm fine" Prim says with a smile. "And that's the book I needed" she says picking up discharged book off the floor. She rolls over to the desk. And gives us another smile. "Well" Peeta says. "We'll get out of your hair" He takes me by the shoulders and leads me out of the room closing the door behind him.

Prim pov
I breath a sigh of relief after Katniss leaves. I love my sister but ever since I've been in this chair she looks at me with either shame, sorrowfulness, or intense administration, and I miss the way she used to look at me. I want her to stop seeing this chair and see me again, but the truth is I can't ask that from her because I still see the chair too.

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