Chapter 1

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If Prim survived.

The remaining medics had been sent to look for survivors of the bombing. “Is anyone out there “can anyone hear us”! They called out. The ground was decorated with charred 4 it look as though it had been covered with a thick black blanket.

Prim pov
I open my eyes to see that I’m lying in the streets of the Capital surrounded by bodies. The first thing that registers is the pounding in my head followed by the pain in my ribs. It hurts to breathe and I know several of my ribs are broken or crushed. My clothes are burnt and I can see that some of my skin has melted and charred. But it doesn't hurt. I know that's not a good sign. It means my body has gone into shock. I hear voices in the distance. “Is anyone alive out there”? “Can anyone hear us” I weakly turn my head and realize they aren't far away at all. “Is anyone”...Before he can finish his sentence I grab his ankle. He looks eyes wide and startled. I can feel myself slipping away.  But before I do I manage to utter the words “Help me” As my vision fades I see him kneel beside me and I hear him call out for backup. “WE NEED A STRETCHER AND AN AIRWAY OVER HERE! NOW! The last thing I feel is a mask being placed on my face before everything goes black.

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