Hello again!

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Sorry for any typos! I will edit when I have time! Enjoy!!

Love, C xx

Isabelle's POV:

Ever since I saw that man I can't stop thinking about him, and I hate myself for that! he had violated me by kissing my neck and I didn't even know his name and he didn't even know mine. I hope I don't have to run into him again... who knows what he will try next.

I get out of my warm, cosy confines of my bed and start to get ready for work, at the moment I'm just a waitress but someday I want to get a record deal and become a singer. I am in love with the thought of me singing in front of a massive arena of fans and then me singing my song with them singing along with me! Pulling myself out of my daydream I put on my work clothes and headed off to work...yay!(note the sarcasm)

As I was working, I noticed that there was a new customer waiting to be served. I carefully made my way to the customer, I took out my note pad ready to be bombarded with orders of what the person wanted.

"Good afternoon, what can I get you?" I asked politely to the customer. After about a minute of silence from the customer I finally looked up from my pad to see why they were taking so long, only to be greeted by that stranger I had unfortunately bumped into yesterday... he smirked and gave me a sarcastic wave of his hand as a greeting?

He laughed before speaking. "Never thought I would see you again"

How did he find me? should I run? or should I stay and stand up for myself? as I was planning my escape he had already stood up and grabbed hold of my arm and dragged me outside.

"let go of me! what do you want?" My hands started to shake and he let go of my arm upon seeing them. He just stared at me for a moment before speaking.

"You" what? why? I have so many things I want to say to him but can't in fear of what he might do to me if I say the wrong thing... no Isabelle you have to show that you are not scared of him. As he was staring at me I took the opportunity to see what he really looked like today... he had a beanie on to push some of the curls out of his face, with a white long sleeved shirt on and black sweat pants on... he looked hot! Isabelle don't think of him that way!!

"Like what you see?" He winked at me which made my stomach have a strange feeling... stop right there Isabelle! show him you are not afraid of him.

"Why? can't you just find another girl to bother? I don't even know your name or who you are and you just come out and say you want me!! you don't even know my name or anything about me!" I tried to shove past him but he pushed me harder against the wall and put both his hands on the wall either side of my head. He just smirked at me as if I hadn't said anything to him a few seconds ago. I wish I could slap that smirk right off his pretty face...

"What's your name, love?" seriously?!?!? did what I just say mean nothing to him! lets see if I can get answers out of him first.

"What's yours?" I asked cocking an eyebrow to try to intimidate him, seeing as I failed to intimidate him I just settled on folding my arms.

"Harry...Now what's yours?" After a moments hesitation, I finally decided to answer him.

"Isabelle... Now can I go?" He thought for a moment then his famous smirk came onto his face as he answered.

"Yes, but I'll be seeing you again" He finally let go of me and walked away.

I slowly walked back to the restaurant and went back to work trying to forget about what happened, and trying to ignore this bad feeling I have in my stomach...

Sorry this chapters a bit boring... but I promise it gets better;)

-C xx (vote and comment pleaseeee)

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