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Isabelle's POV:

After breakfast I went to get changed whilst Harry was finishing off so he wouldn't come into the bedroom with me. I quickly got to the bedroom thinking about how I am really glad I got to reveal Harry's good side and make sure that he stays on that side because that is the side where I have really got to like Harry, even with all the mistakes he has made...

I got into the room and picked out my outfit for today, seeing as we were on lockdown I picked out some sweats and a tank top that has really long arm holes revealing my sports bra, the tank top had a picture of New York with New York written in the middle, I always dreamed of going to New York instead of being stuck in London.

As I was putting on my top Harry then decided to walk into the room, doesn't this man know how to knock! I squealed and quickly put the shirt on whilst Harry laughed at me.

"Don't you know how to knock?!?!" I could already feel the heat drift up my neck to my cheeks, what does this man do to me?

"Yes but I thought you were already dressed..." he tried to say innocently but with that smirk on his beautiful face, I knew he was lying.

"Bullshit" I don't usually curse but this man brings it out of me...

He came over to me and put his arms around my waist, I looked up at him and smiled seeing him smile with his cute dimples, he laughed at me when I poked one of his dimples.

"Guess what we are doing today?"

"What?" I thought we were not allowed out of the house?

"We are going to train today, we need to make sure you know everything you need to know to keep yourself safe when I might not be able to..." I shivered as he said those last words not wanting to even think about if Harry were to get hurt and not be around to keep me safe and make me happy when I'm with him.

"Okay that sounds fun... I guess" he chuckled and pulled me down the stairs with him to a massive room in the basement where there was targets I'm guessing are for shooting, boxing bags and even a mini gym.

"First I need to see what you already know seeing as you have been able to hurt me before..." he chuckled.

"Err yeah sorry about that..." we stood on a mat in the middle of the room. He looked at me for a few seconds then lunged at me, I swiftly dodged him and quickly turned around for his next move. He lunged again but this time I don't dodge him I side kicked him right in the stomach making him fall to the floor. He groaned and stayed on the floor for a moment, oh god did I hurt him bad.

I kneeled down next him and softy said his name but he didn't respond, I straddled him to see if he was out cold so I leaned in to see if he was breathing, in one swift movement Harry had flipped us over so I was on the floor and he was straddling me.

Harry's POV:

"No fair, I had you" she groaned from underneath me. I laughed at her frustration and moved her hair away from her sweaty forehead.

"That was good but you can never let your guard down Belle, you have to be able to end it to ensure you are safe, because you are the main priority when it comes to the fight, do you understand?" She gulped and quickly nodded, I couldn't stop myself from giving her a quick peck on the lips before getting off of her.

"Next you need to learn how to shoot..." She looked scared for a moment but then nodded and tried not to show the fear she had about touching a gun but I could see the fear in her eyes. I picked up a gun and gestured for her to walk over to me.

"Now, you need to know everything about this gun so it feels comfortable when you hold it and shoot from it okay?"


I pulled back the lever on top "okay when you pull this lever back it reloads the gun" I then pointed to the bottom of the gun and pulled the magazine out "okay this is called a magazine, it holds the bullets in and you can just pull it out and put another one in to reload when it's run out." I pointed to the trigger on the inside of the gun, "this is the trigger, you pull it when you want to shoot someone..." she gulped but nodded anyway. "are you ready to hold it?"

She nodded and I gave her the gun, I told her to take out the magazine and put it back in like I showed her and she did it without hesitation, I then told her to reload the gun and she pulled back the lever and it made a clicking sound notifying us that it was now loaded.

"Are you ready to do some target practise?"

"I'm ready" she said with determination in her eyes.

Isabelle's POV:

Harry stepped back to watch me whilst I have to shoot the target... I took a deep breath and closed one eye to focus on the middle of the target. I pulled the trigger and felt the pain and power of the gun run through my arms making adrenaline pump through my veins.

I looked at the target to see that it was a few metres away from the middle, I did a victory fist pump in the air.

"Not too bad of a shot Belle"

"Can I try again?" He nodded with a soft smile while I raised the gun up to line with the target and closed one eye. I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger already getting used to the after blow of the gun shot.

I looked at the target and saw that it has reached the middle! I ran over to Harry and jumped on him, surprising him. He gathered himself and hugged me tight. I pulled back slightly and he put his hands on the back of my thighs to support me.

"I did it!" He laughed and I couldn't help but to kiss him. I love this moment of pure bliss and happiness that this amazing man had put me in with just the touch of his lips on mine, moulding together as if they were made for each other.

"You are a good shot Belle! How did I get so lucky? So lucky to have someone who is so beautiful, kind and innocent like you?"

"No I'm lucky, I feel so safe around you Harry and I can't thank you enough for making me feel so Happy" he smiled and pecked my lips once more before speaking with a smirk.

"Looks like you won't need me to protect you... where did you learn to fight like that?"

"My dad let me have self defence classes so I could protect myself when I grew up and don't have anyone to protect me..."

"Sounds like an amazing dad do you talk to him much?" My face fell and Harry noticed. He brought one hand up and cupped my cheek, showing me that it was alright to tell him whatever had made me upset, I leaned into his touch and let the tears stream down my face, he tried to wipe away all the tears but gave up when they just kept flowing down my face.

Sorry for the boring chapter and the cliff hanger thing at the end but I promise to update more tomorrow! Thank you guys for reading and please vote and comment! Love you guys,

- C xx

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