Going somewhere?

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Couple of days later...

Isabelle's POV:

When I woke up the door to my room was wide open, not even taking the chance to think I ran out of the room and to the front door. As soon as I got to the door I realised that it had a inside lock on it that could only be opened with a key. I let out an angry huff,

"Going somewhere?" I turn around to a smirking Harry.

"Clever." I said with a dull voice full of no emotion, he quickly put his finger to his head in mock solute and started waking down the hall to what I assume is the living room? I follow after him not wanting to stay in that room. The living room is very simple but very clean; It had a big flat screen TV, a black sofa with two love seats, a coffee table and hundreds of pictures covering the walls. I ungracefully sat down on the chair and my belly decided it was the perfect time to copy the sound of a whale call and grumbled,

Harry smirked, "Hungry?" I blushed and looked down in embarrassment.

"Come with me love" He gracefully stood up and me being the clumsy person I am got up and tripped over my own foot, preparing to fall on the floor I open my eyes to see I was still standing as Harry's hands were on my waist preventing my clumsy fall. I mumbled a thanks as he chuckled to himself, and I sheepishly looked down at the ground.

We made our way to the kitchen and Harry started getting out ingredients for what looks to be pancakes! I love pancakes. I smiled and stood next to him to start to help him cook the pancakes, he stopped what he was doing and playfully glared at me. I was so confused with what he was doing, why was he staring at me like that?

"What?" he gave me a pointed look. oh he doesn't want me to cook!

"Please! I love cooking, just let me help you make the pancakes"

"Get out my kitchen!" he playfully pushed me out of the kitchen area and I sat down at the counter watching him cook the pancakes.

"They better be the best pancakes in the world if you wont let me help you cook them!" He gave me that look that sort of said bitch please. I put my hands up in mock surrender "okay, okay!"

I think Harry's concentrated face was the cutest thing I have ever seen, the way he would bite his lip when measuring the ingredients or when he furrowed his eyebrows and especially when he pouted his lips concentrated on flipping the pancakes. Stop it Isabelle! he is the bad guy... but is he around me? he handed me my pancakes with a smile and sat opposite me with his massive stack of pancakes.

"Are you seriously going to eat all of those pancakes?" he scoffed.

"I am a man of course I'm going to eat all those pancakes" I quietly chuckled and then realised what he had done to me a couple of nights ago and didn't meet his gaze anymore. I looked at my reflection on the knife I was given to cut the pancakes, I winced as I saw the big, purple bruise on my cheek I touched it as gently as I can and cried out in pain. Harry suddenly looked up from his pancake and saw what I had done, as if seeing it for the first time he gently reached his hand and stroked over the bruise. I automatically flinched away from his contact and he looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry belle, you really didn't deserve that" I looked at him and noticed that a stray tear had escaped it's way down his beautiful face. I slowly walked over to him and reached my thumb up to wipe away his tear, I was going to extract my hand from his face but he put his hand on top of mine and trapped it there. He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them back up to meet mine, for the first time I saw a different side of Harry and I really liked this side.

"Please forgive me belle" He just called me belle... is it weird that it is really hot when my new nickname rolls off his tongue so perfectly?

"I forgive you, just please never do that to me again..." His eyes lit up with hope.

"I won't!"

"Promise me Harry" He looked intently into my eyes.

"I promise I won't hurt you or let anybody else hurt you, you have my word" I smiled up at him, I flinched when I felt bad cramps in my belly, knowing what inevitably was coming next, I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom and locked the door as fast as I could. What a great time to start my period!! Thanks Mother Nature!

:) thanks for continuing to read this fanfic! I love you guys!!

- C xx

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