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Isabelle's POV:

I woke up to the same horrible feeling, I ran to the toilet and began puking for the fourth day in a row... I felt my hair being lifted up whilst I finished puking up the little food I had left in my stomach. When I had finished I felt too weak to even stand, the pain in my ribs returned, That man had definitely broken one of my ribs.

"Babe can you help me up?" I felt Harry's strong arms lifting me up to my feet, he lifted me up bridal style and took me back to bed. I looked deeply into his eyes and saw a flash of hurt through them, he needed to stop blaming himself for this, it was my fathers fault not his.

"Stop blaming yourself Harry, you couldn't predict this was going to happen and neither could I, sit down I need to tell you why this is all happening." He sat down and took both my hands in his before I started speaking.

"When I was locked in that room the man came in, he asked if I recognised him, and I... I did. Harry, he was the man that killed my parents..." I paused taking a deep breath to stop me from crying before carrying on.

"He told me that when I was 12 my dad was part of the secret service and was sent to kill his father, the man was also 12 and witnessed my father killing his father... He said he wanted revenge so when he was old enough he killed my mother and father, that was the night when he saw me... he would have killed me too but the police arrived and he ran. I had never seen him since, until he and his men took me when I was on the way to work."

"Belle what did he do to you?" I squeezed his hands before I spoke again.

"He... He hit me repeatedly when he was telling me the story about my father and his father, and then he started touching me up the leg but then he stopped and went on with the story... and at some point he kicked me in the ribs, and one of them is broken now... and when he finished speaking, all I saw was his fist coming towards my face before I blacked out..."

"I'm going to find that bastard and kill him for touching my girl!"I held his face in my hand and stroked his cheek with my thumb to calm him down.

"I'm okay now Harry, I feel safe when I am with you." I kissed him gently on the lips before my stomach groaned loudly, he chuckled and broke the kiss.

"Do you want some breakfast baby?"

"Yes please and a lot of food because I am starving! Oh and could you get Rose please... I missed her and need to talk to her" he stood up and began walking giving me the perfect opportunity to admire Harry's shirtless body... he was so beautiful, how did I get someone like him?

"Of course baby, I'll just go get her now" I thanked him and waited for my best friend to get into the room, as soon as she walked in she ran to me and gave me a tight but gentle hug.

"Oh my god! Belle are you okay?" I smiled at my wonderful best friend.

"I'm fine but I need you to do something for me but it needs to stay a secret and no-one can find out... not even Harry okay?" she looked at me worriedly for a second before replying.

"What is it?"

"I think I'm pregnant... I need a pregnancy test Rose..." She smiled excitedly and quickly ran out of the room to get the test for me.
Not long after Rose left Harry came back in with a massive plate of pancakes! How am I so lucky to have him?

"You are so good to me Harry!" he chuckled and put the plate down on my lap and I happily devoured them in a matter of minutes, occasionally slapping Harry's hand away every time he tried to steal some of my pancakes. When I was finished Harry kissed me on the head and told me to get some rest before taking my plate downstairs, Rose came in a little bit later with the pregnancy tests.

I thanked her before walking into the bathroom and peeing on five of the tests- just to be sure - and sat down on the floor with the pregnancy tests in front of me.

2 minutes to go...

1 minute to go...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

I looked at the pregnancy tests and each of them said,






I was pregnant... what am I going to do? Should I tell Harry? Or should I wait for all the problems to be solved first? What do I do?

"Rose. Get. In. Here. Now..." She ran into the bathroom and looked at the pregnancy tests before looking back up at me,

"Oh shit..."

"What should I do? I can't tell Harry he won't let me fight with you guys... and I need to fight Rose. I need to be the one that kills the man that murdered my parents!"

"Okay we will just keep this a secret until this is all sorted out... But don't you think Harry deserves to know?"

"I know but he won't let me fight... and I want to fight, so I'll tell him when it's over..."

Hope you liked this chapter!! please vote and comment!

- C xx

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