What are we?

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Isabelle's POV:

I woke up to sun shining on my face waking me from my deep sleep, I was alone in a different room from the one at Harry's flat... we must be at the safe house now. I got out of bed and realised I was now in my pyjamas, great Harry changed me again...

I walked down the hallway into what looks like the living room and heard lots of different voices, entering the kitchen I saw the boys with their girls, once the girls saw me they ran and engulfed me in a massive, reassuring hug. I smiled and hugged them back, I didn't realise how quickly they all grew on me and that I missed them all so much already.

I said hello to the rest of the boys and stood next to Harry who pulled me close to him by the waist, I couldn't stop the small shiver that ran down my spine when he touched me and pulled me closer to him. I smiled up at him and he kissed my forehead before carrying on the conversation.

"We are safe here for as long as they don't find us but all I'm saying is that we just need to be prepared" Liam said in his protective tone, you can tell he is the most sensible one in the group and the most protective one in the group.

"Well in the basement there is a training room where we can prepare ourselves for what might be coming" at Harry's words I began to shake with the thought of who may come for me and if they were to hurt Harry... Harry instantly noticed and took both my hands in his and kissed them both, instantly calming me down. I finally calmed down and decided to speak,
"Do we know who it is yet?"

"No, but we will find out" at Louis words I felt a bit more reassured knowing that they were going to find out who it is and that they will stop them before they can do any harm to anyone. I felt Harry lean down to my ear and felt his lips touch my ear as he whispered to me,

"Do you want some breakfast baby?" I will never get used to him calling me baby. I nodded at him and quickly kissed his cheek before he went off to make me some food.

Rose came over to me again and hugged me making me smile even in this horrible situation we are all in.

"Are you okay?... you know after, after everything?" I smiled slightly at how much she already cared about me only having met a couple of times, when I was staying at Harry's flat he would let the girls come over anytime they wanted when we weren't doing anything.

"I'm fine, Harry always seems to make me feel safe when I'm around him" I smiled at the thought of Harry.

"Awwww Belle you like him!!! I'm so happy for you" I stopped to think for a second... I, I do like him... a lot actually.

"Yeah I, I guess I do like him, actually I like him a lot Rose and he told me he likes me too... but I don't know what we are? And I don't know how to ask him either..."

"I think when you guys are alone you should just talk about it and you shouldn't be afraid to ask him because I know he likes you a lot anyway..."

"How do you know?" I asked curiously.

"The way he looks at you, he looks at you in adoration and he looks as if he is ready to just jump in front of a bullet for you if you were in danger, he looks at you with love in his eyes... and I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you." I couldn't help but feel absolute happiness with what Rose just said.

"Thank you Rose" I gave her a quick hug and stayed in the kitchen with Harry whilst the others went to the basement. I saw Harry biting his lip whilst making pancakes... This boy knows me so well already!

Whilst he was cooking I hugged his waist from behind and felt him relax into my touch. Now, you have to ask him now...

"Harry?" He stopped what he was doing and turned around to face me, I kept my arms around his waist while he looked at me curiously.

"Yes love?" Just say it...

"What are we? I mean we like each other but I'm confused as to what we are..." he looked at me for a second then cupped my face in his hands.

"Well I was thinking of a better way to ask you this but I guess we can do this now..." oh my god is he...

"Will you be my girlfriend? I know we have only known each other for a little while but my feelings grow for you each day that passes and I know when we met I was horrible to you and I did things I shouldn't have done but since I have met you, you have broken down all the walls I put up to protect my heart and leaped right in saving a spot for yourself, but in all honesty I couldn't be more happier that it's you because your the only girl I want and the only girl I need..." by the end of his speech tears were streaming down my face because of the complete happiness that has erupted inside of me by Harry's beautiful words.

"Yes" he looked at me in disbelief.
"What?" I chuckled and pulled him down by his neck and kissed him hard with all the feelings inside me I couldn't say and put them into the kiss. I finally pulled away and looked at the beautiful man I get to now call mine.

"Yes I will be your girlfriend Harry, there is no one else in the world I want, just you..." he smiled and pecked my lips once more before finishing the pancakes.

"PANCAKES" He shouted then in a flash Niall was running into the kitchen grabbing pancakes before anyone else could get to them. Without noticing Harry had already plated up some pancakes for me and him. This man is the most amazing, kind hearted person I know.

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- C xx

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