The Fight Part 2

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Isabelle's POV:

I led the way quickly and discreetly towards the drain opening where Harry and Louis used their man power to open the duster drain lid up at this moment in time I could feel the blood trickling down my arm.

We all piled into the drain and began walking towards the next available opening, hopefully near the enemies so we can sneak up on them and end them all.

"Harry she's losing too much blood..." My vision was starting to blur a little, as Rose told Harry to help me. He looked at me with a pale face and wide eyes before coming up to me and tearing a piece of his shirt and tying tightly around my arm, I winced in pain and bit my lip so I didn't make a sound.

Rose and I were at the back following slightly behind the boys, Rose turned to me with a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" She whispered to me, I could see the concern in her face and was grateful that I could have someone life her in my life, Rose was the sister I never had.

I hugged her tightly making sure not to put too much pressure on my injured before giving her a simple nod of the head, we carried on walking until we saw some light coming from the end of the path. When we reached the end of the tunnel it held a ladder leading to the other drain opening, Harry decided to be the first one to climb the old looking, rusty ladders. When given the signal Louis climbed after him, then me and Rose climbing behind me to make sure I didn't hurt myself or the baby.

Climbing up the top of the ladder I am face to face with a pair of dull blue eyes... is was the dead body of one of our enemies. I had to hold in a scream do that we were not heard and killed, I quickly climbed out of the drain and ran to Harry's side.

I quickly looked up from the car we had hidden behind seeing or enemies at least 15 fast away, I looked at Harry waiting for the signal to pounce. From behind I could hear footsteps heading towards our hiding spot, I looked behind me to see two men walking towards the car we were hiding behind meaning they would see us when close enough. I tapped Harry's shoulder and held a finger to my lips pointing the other in the direction of the men heading or way, he nodded his head at me signalling I would be the one to help him.

"I'll take the left you take the right." I nodded at him before getting my knife out and getting into fighting stance. As the right man walked near me I stuck my foot out making him fall to the ground, picking up all my strength I plunged the knife in the man's chest right where his heart is to give him a quick death. I held onto the dead man's arm and pulled him so he was under the car, I didn't want any of the enemies to see us or stumble across the dead bodies.

We waited for Harry to give the signal so we could attack, wait did we even make a signal?

Harry nodded at us and pecked my lips before standing up and shooting the man that was closest to him. We took that as the signal to fight, I pointed my gun at a man's had and pulled the trigger. Adrenaline rushing through my veins making me feel alive, aiming for another target I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my neck cutting off my air supply.

I threw my head back hearing the crack of the strangers nose as it breaks at the impact, distracted with his broken noise his hold on me loosens and I shrug him off of me kicking him in the balls. Once he is on the ground I kick him once more in the chest before shooting him in the space between his eyebrows.

I turn around to see that there was only one man left to kill, and that was the man who killed my parents, and that was the man pointing the gun at me. This was it, this was the day I would die and reunite with my parents, the man chuckled before pulling the trigger.

I waited to feel the arms of death dragging me away from Harry and my friends but it never came, I opened my eyes but immediately wanted to close them, I became angry and aimed my gun at the evil man and with a single treat escaping from my eye I pulled the trigger.

Dropping the gun onto the floor, my legs deceived me and I like the gun feel to the ground. There in the ground in a pool of blood was the love of my life, I creaked his head on my lap and began sobbing feeling my heart break into tiny, microscopic pieces.

"Harry... You have to wake up." His beating was shallow and his pulse faint.

"I can't do this without you... Baby wake up." I continued to cry as I leaned my head down to whisper in his ear.

"Your gonna be a daddy..." I looked back at his face to see his eyes still closed, I cried against his shoulder not being able to stop the tears.

I felt a hand caressing my hair.

Harry's POV:

I could see him pointing the gun at the live of my life, not even thinking about it, I ran in front of my girl and felt the bullet going through my stomach. I collapsed to the ground already losing so much blood, I could feel my eyes trying to close but I looked up at the beautiful girl in front of me before allowing my eyes to close for the final time, surrendering to death.

I was walking through a dark tunnel and could see a light in the distance. I could hear a beautiful voice calling my name and muffled words I couldn't quite hear, so I continued walking. The words were becoming more clear the closer I got to the light,

"I can't do this without you...Baby wake up" it wasn't an angel calling my name it was Belle. I tried calling out her name but I was still in the dark tunnel the light trying to draw me in.

"Your gonna be a daddy..." My heart speed beating in my chest, well that's ironic seeing as I'm dead, I was going to be a dad? I can't leave her! I gave to get back to her somehow.

I stated running the opposite direction of the light and soon I was swallowed through the darkness...

I slowly opened my eyes feeling something wet in my shoulder, it was Belle, my beautiful Belle was crying on my shoulder. I ran my fingers through her hair to try to comfort get, she tensed for a second before getting off my shoulder and looking at me. Her eyes widened and tears ran down her face,

"Harry...?" She smiled as I nodded before she gently placed her lips on mine in a passionate but gentle kiss. She pulled away and shouted for the boys to take me to the car so we could fix me up, The boys helped carry me to the car and I was imediatly taken to a doctor we know that won't question my injuries.

Hope you guys liked the chapter!

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This book will be coming to an end, maybe two or three chapters left...

Love, C xx

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