This can't happen...

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Isabelle's POV:

FINALLY! I have finished my shift at work, I can't wait to go home and go back to my comfy bed to finally be able to sleep. Foot steps could be heard from behind me but I chose to ignore it, I started to walk a little faster.

Before I could fully process what was happening I was blindfolded and a cloth was put on my mouth stopping me from screaming for help. I felt a pair of strong arms gripping under my arms and another pair grabbing my feet, carrying me to an unknown place. I was roughly thrown into what felt like the back of a car/van. I heard the doors being slammed shut and the vehicle started moving.

I tried to scream but my voice was muffled from the cloth tied around my mouth, I couldn't move my arms or legs which must have also been tied. Knowing there was nothing I could do to save myself I started to cry uncontrollably to the point where I thought I was going to vomit, I cried so much that I began to fall asleep from being so tired and drained.

I woke up with a headache and a flashback of images of what happened last night, I looked around my surroundings noticing I was in a king-sized bed in a big room full of beautiful paintings. The room had white coloured walls with wooden flooring, there was a massive wardrobe and chest-of-draws, whoever took me definitely knew how to keep a room clean. I got out of the bed noticing that I was in a massive t-shirt that went down to my mid-thigh. Who changed me? oh my god they saw me in my underwear! No one has seen me in my underwear not even my ex boyfriend has seen me in my underwear.

That's why my ex boyfriend broke up with me because he was frustrated with me not wanting to do anything physical with him until I was ready. I remember I stayed in my flat for weeks eating ice cream and watching romance movies crying and feeling sorry for myself.

I saw two doors whilst looking around the room, I tried the first one but it was locked, when I turned the knob of the second door it opened to reveal a bathroom. Thank god! I really needed to pee. Once I had done my business I turned the shower on and locked the door. I stripped from my shirt and underwear so I could try and have a peaceful shower to forgot where I am for a few minutes.

I had imagined my life going so differently then this, I wanted to be anywhere but here... but look where I am. I have no idea who I am stuck with or where I am, and the saddest most distressing part is the fact that I have no one that will notice I am missing... no friends. no family- I then realised how truly alone I am and it baffled me how I hadn't even noticed how alone I am until being taken away from everything I know and being stuck in a unfamiliar house and in an unfamiliar place with a stranger that could hurt me.

I wish I could go home... I hate this, I hate feeling useless, I hate feeling like I have disappointed my father because I couldn't protect myself enough for me to get captured by two strangers. I found myself crying again not caring how weak I felt in doing so because I knew that there was nothing I could do to escape this place or this person for that matter.

I felt terrified of what could happen to me and found myself thinking of all the horrible things that could happen to me, I stopped before I would do something stupid or lock myself in the bathroom for the rest of my life. But I had to stay strong and get through this, I had to stay strong enough so the person who captured me wouldn't feel like they could do whatever they want to me because I am strong and will continue to stay strong through this horrible situation I am in.

When I was done I got out and sat down on the floor waiting till my body was completely dry before dressing myself- I wasn't taking any chances in going in that room with just a towel, who knows who might unlock the door and come in. As soon as I stepped into the room I heard footsteps coming from outside the door, I readied myself for whoever it was that was going to come in.

The door opened and in came...Harry. I can't believe he was the one that kidnapped me, I screamed as he tried to approach me.

He smirked and put is finger to his mouth to silence me.

"Hello love..."

Short chapter sorry!! Hope you liked it though!

- C xx

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