What now?

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Harry's POV:

I Can't believe I just did that! I deserved that slap but she didn't deserve the one I gave to her, why did I let my anger take over me? It was like there was this different person inside of me that took over my body. I walked out of the room too afraid to look back at the broken girl on the bed, I locked the door of the room and thought about different things I could do today to try and block out the thoughts and images burned into my brain when I had hit Isabelle. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out to see a text from Louis.


Hey haz u ready 4 2nite?




We have that ball thing 2 go 2, u know? we collect the drugs and sell 2 the other buyer. Bring a girl 2 distract other people from what we are doing.


Oh shit I forgot bout that, already have a girl 2 bring.


come prepared with a weapon just in case...



Grabbing my keys I headed out to go buy me and Isabelle an outfit for the ball tonight...

Isabelle's POV:

I heard the front door slam and immediately dried all the tears I had foolishly let out when Harry had hit me, I had tried so hard to prevent myself from crying but the pain was too much to deal with. I hate myself for showing Harry that he had won and I was the weaker one. Before I could stop my self I fell asleep.

I woke up to see a note on the table next to me;

In the bag there is a dress. Put it on and knock on the door twice when done, we are going to a ball tonight. If you don't obey me I will have to put the dress on myself choose wisely. H x

I got up and picked up the bag that was placed beside my bed, when I pulled out the dress I gasped, the dress was absolutely beautiful. It was a light blue strapless gown that had diamonds on the top where my chest is, when I put it on I smiled seeing that the dress fit my curves perfectly and it was a very simple but elegant dress- a dress for a ball. I looked in the draws and found a curling iron! Harry had defiantly prepared to kidnap me! I curled my hair and left it down so it flowed down my back just above my bum, not finding any make up I had to go natural.

When I was done I knocked on the door twice as instructed and it opened up to a smiling Harry, before I could say anything I had a cloth over my eyes and hands tied together, before he could put cloth around my mouth I asked him-

"Is this really necessary?" He huffed and reluctantly lowers his hands.

"Fine, but if you try to run away or even think about running away, just know that I will find you..." I gulped and nodded as he untied the blindfold and cloth on my hands. When I could finally see I looked at Harry and my jaw dropped, he was wearing a suit that fitted him perfectly... When I finally looked up I noticed that Harry looked exactly like I did, his jaw was hanging open and he was shamelessly looking me up and down. I began to feel self-conscious at the way he was looking at me right now. To mine and his surprise I was the first one to speak.

"Are we going to go now or are you just going to keep staring at me?" He gulped and grabbed my arm taking me to his car. Here we go...

vote and comment pleasseeee!

- C xx

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