This is not goodbye...

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Smut warning! If you don't like Smut skip to the end of the chapter xx

Isabelle's POV:

His hands travelled down to my shirt and he looked at me as if asking permission to take it off, I nodded at him and he slowly took my shirt off of me revealing my bra. With a sudden burst of adrenaline I took off his white shirt and ran my hands along his chest and down his abdomen feeling his toned abs.

He closed his eyes at the feeling of my hands roaming his chest, and proceeded to gently kiss my neck. He slid his hands down my belly all the way to my jeans and unzipped them before sliding them down my legs. I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him up to continue our kiss, he glided his tongue over my bottom lip to gain access which I granted and our tongues glided together in a heated kiss. I shyly moved my hands down to his belt and began to unbuckle it so I could take his jeans off, he noticed what I was about to do and swiftly took his jeans off and continued the kiss.

He kissed me from my jaw and down my neck before reaching behind my back and taking off my bra in one quick movement. He looked at my exposed chest for a moment making me self conscious, I moved my arms up to cover my chest.

Harry looked at me and moved my arms down again exposing my chest.

"You are so beautiful, never cover yourself in front of me okay?" The love I felt for this man was unreal, I nodded and kissed his lips signalling him to carry on.

He once again broke the kiss and kissed down my neck to my chest and began sucking harshly on my nipples one at a time, I moaned loudly loving the strange yet satisfying feeling he was creating. His fingers hooked the sides of my underwear and slowly pulled them down teasing me.

He slid my underwear off and kissed my lips one more time before moving down to my intimate area... he looked at me in the eyes and lowered his head down to my area, his tongue darted out and began licking my clit creating a wave of pleasure hitting my senses. I moaned out his name and grabbed his hair in my hands pulling a little making him groan and suck my clit before proceeding with the torturous pleasure he was making with just his tongue.

I had never felt pleasure like this before and I was savouring every moment Harry was creating with the flick of his tongue on my clit. I felt one of his fingers suddenly slide into me and move slowly in and out so I could adjust to the feeling.

"So wet and ready for me" Harry groaned as he slid another finger into me making me cry out with the sudden pain and pleasure. All to quickly his fingers were gone from inside me and he had discarded his pants.

He looked at me one more time and kissed my forehead before lining himself up to my entrance. He looked into my eyes as he slowly pushed himself into me, and stopped for a moment so I could adjust to his large size.

I couldn't describe the mixture of pain and pleasure as he slowly rocked in and out of me. I cry out in pleasure and throw my hands in his hair and closed my eyes not being able to keep them open anymore. The feeling of Harry being so close to me at this moment was a feeling I never wanted to stop, it was indescribable.

"Look at me Belle, open your eyes"

"Harry i, i feel..."

"Me too"

I looked into his eyes as he continued to rock into me but gradually picking up his pace creating more pain and pleasure, my stomach was in knots and I knew that within a few more thrusts Harry was going to undo me. Harry's breaths were coming out shallow and I knew he was almost at his end.

With one more hard, deep thrust I screamed out in pleasure as I reached my high, Harry saying multiple profanities when he reached his peak and continued to thrust into me until we reached the end of our highs.

I missed the feeling of Harry being inside of me as he pulled out and laid down beside me. With heavy breaths filling the air I was in a world of pure bliss and peace. I rolled over so I was laying on top of Harry and looked at his flushed face that made him look like an angel.

"That was... amazing" Harry chuckled and kissed me once more before snuggling his face in my neck.

"Harry what was wrong with you today? You know you can tell me anything right?" He looked back at me in the eyes and nodded before finally speaking to me.

"The boys told me yesterday that they were able to hack in and listen to one of the gangs phone calls. And, and they said that as long as I am with you I am weak and they can easily take me out." I gasped already knowing what Harry was going to have to do.

"The boys said that if I let you go then you will be safe, and I want nothing more then for you to be safe Belle... as long as your safe then I am happy"

"Then where does that leave us Harry?" I could see the tears in his eyes and feel my own falling down my face.

"This is not goodbye Belle, I will come back for you when this is over, you are not getting rid of me just yet" I chuckled at his attempt of a joke and gave him a long hard kiss on the lips. The next thing I had to say was the hardest thing I will ever have to say...

"When do I have to go?" A single tear slipped down my face and Harry wiped it away with his thumb.

"Tonight..." he looked down so I don't have to see him cry, I hooked my finger under his chin and tilted his head up to meet mine.

"This isn't goodbye remember! We will see each other very soon, I have an old phone no one knows about so I can still talk to you without anyone knowing... we can get through this Harry, I am not going to lose you okay?"

"Okay, I love you so much Belle"

"I love you too Harry, so so much"

Hated writing this chapter :( but hoped you like this one!!

- C xx

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