Good day gone bad...

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Isabelle's POV:

I woke up with the feeling of another body tangled with mine and a hand caressing my cheek. I opened my eyes meeting Harry's green ones and smiled at him, he didn't stop caressing my face but the truth is...I didn't want him to. What I hadn't realised was that I had done what I had told my self not to do... I had let myself fall for him in past week I had known him and don't even regret it. With the sudden boost of adrenaline I got from his soft touch, I slowly raised my head and gently kissed him, I could feel him smiling into the kiss and too my surprise he didn't try to deepen the kiss which I was grateful for.

The kiss was so sensual and had hidden meanings in which made it the best first kiss I could ever ask for, and I'm glad it was with Harry. He slowly pulled away and smiled at me but this smile was different... but I didn't know what it was. You couldn't wipe the smile off my face which I knew was going to stay there for the whole day, I put my hands on either side of his face just so I could fully look at the details of his face, it was...the definition of beautiful, he looked like an angel.

"Wow" I was surprised at what Harry said, was he feeling the same as me after that kiss? He kissed me again and I felt as if I was in a world of pure bliss and I never wanted to stop kissing him... but I needed air! We pulled apart and Harry pecked my lips one more time before pulling me out of bed.


"I DO!!!!!!!" Harry laughed at me and gathered the ingredients as I sat down on the counter next to the stove.

"Can I help?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes that I knew would break him, he huffed and nodded. I did a victory fist bump in the air and jumped off of the counter to help make the pancakes.

After we had eaten the delicious pancakes I got dressed, I pulled out a crop top which had 'May the odds be ever in your favour' on it, with high waisted shorts. When I was done getting dressed Harry walked in with my make up bag that he had forgotten to give to me, so I put on light make up that Harry said I didn't even need and pulled my hair up into a high pony tail.

"Belle, would... would you like to go to the carnival with me t-today?" He is so cute when he stutters.

"I would love to go to the carnival with you Harry!" He smiled and we went to the car to go to the carnival.

When we arrived Harry brought us tickets and I dragged him to the bumper cars first. Being a gentleman he asked if I wanted to drive us and I said yes, he was surprised with my good skills at bumper cars. After the ride I dragged Harry over to the rollercoaster part of the carnival...

"I hate roller-coasters!"

"Pleassseeee for me?"

"ugh Fine!" We made our way to the roller-coaster and as we were buckled into the ride Harry grabbed my hand and I smiled up at him, during the amazing ride I could here Harry scream which made me laugh so much! When we got off the ride I was stretching out my hand from the pain of being held too tight on the ride by Harry.

"Harryyy you really hurt my hand you wimp!"

"Sorry baby, I really hate rollercoasters!" He took my hand and kissed all over it, every inch of my hand was kissed and it made me giggle. Hold up a minute... he just called me baby!! He looked up at me and leaned in to kiss me, I met him halfway and gave him a short and sweet kiss. He pulled me to a carnival game where you had to throw 3 balls into 3 different sized buckets to win a big teddy bear, Harry and I both had a go and I won a medium sized bear and Harry won the big sized bear.

"Here, beautiful you can have mine too" He gave me his teddy bear and I blushed when he called me beautiful.

"You can have my one so we can keep them to remind us of each other and this fantastic date" I gave him the bear and he smirked at me...Was I missing something?


"So we're on a date?" I Blushed and then pushed him whilst he chuckled at me. We spent the rest of the day on the rides and then when the sun was about to set I made Harry come on the big wheel with me. We got to the top when the sun was at its lowest point and I cuddled next to Harry watching the sunset. Harry put his warm palms on my face and looked at me for a second before finally speaking.

"Belle I... I really like you, I've never fallen so quickly for someone as I have for you..." Everything he has just said to me I feel the exact same way.

"Harry I feel... I feel the exact same way about you... I never knew I would fall for someone who was the complete opposite of me but I really like you even though I have only known you for a little while and, and that scares me a little bit..." He kissed me and what he couldn't say to me face to face he said in that kiss, it was the best feeling in the world.

We held hands in the lift whilst on the way to Harry's flat, we got to the door and it was open... I gasped and Harry pushed me behind him and quietly pushed open the door. I stood at the front door while Harry checked all the rooms, I felt useless just standing there so I went to go check my room. I got to my room and carefully opened the door and saw nothing, so I checked the bathroom and that was clear too, but what I hadn't noticed was the black writing on the wall where my bed is... oh my God.


Harry's POV:

All the rooms were clear at the moment which was good, so I think I must of just left the front door open by mistake...

"HARRY!" Belle...

I ran to Belles room as fast as my legs would take me and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw she was okay, but she was looking at something with her eyes wide and a pale face. I looked in her direction. Fury, worry and grief built up in me, There in black letters said...

Better watch out for your girl.


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- C xx

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